Elk Hunting Colorado anyone connect?


New member
Anyone get an elk in Colorado this season. I'm hunting unit 68 Nov. 9th. and hadn't seen anything on the board.


Filled my cow tag in GMU 51 on Oct. 19. Now waiting for the CWD test just to be safe. I've heard and read that the season has been relatively successful so far. Good luck.
Full moon had us hampered last week, elk had moved to lower ground,,,,,,not weather, just better food.This was in the south end of area 15.
Did see 3 very nice 5x5's in an area I couldn't shoot in....crossing a private ranch!:(
Did have a darn good time though!
H&H, Rotorhead is exactly right. $17 for most units, free for those in the north-central portion of the state. I think the DOW website list drop-off points. Basically, drop off the head and fill out a form indicating your contact info and where the animal was killed. Test results are posted in about 10 days. They will contact you if the results are positive (CWD found). If you don't hear from them you can check results on the website or with a toll-free number.
I hunted the first combined season and concentrated on elk and did not get a chance to really hunt deer this time.
with the extra tag this year for the drought I thought that it was best.

it was dry but was seeing a good amount of elk untill opening day and because of hunting pressure most of the elk were driven to private property and it was not being hunted. was frustrating seeing large amounts of elk every day only not able to get to them.

my partners had to be back to work on wed. the 23rd and so we had planned to leave the afternoon of the 22nd.

my partners pushed out a few in front of me on tuesday mourning and I dropped my two elk withing 50 yards of each other. we could drive right up to them and was only minutes from camp and got them back and while I took care of the elk my partners packed camp and we got out of there right when the storm was coming in. was fun coming home across the mountains in the storm but we made it.

it was dry in area 11 but seemed to be good water for the elk but that full moon was sure bright.

took two friends that had not hunted elk much so it was alot of fun for everyone. I think they learned alot and look to be a couple of good hunting partners for years to come.

looks like alot of weather coming in the next week or so and that should help the hunting in the lower area's but I think all the weather might hamper anything up high.

the paper said today the fisrt elk only season was good but the first combined season was a little off due to being warm and dry and the full moon plus alot of folks like me left before the storm hit.
good luck everyone and should get mine out of the butcher on monday or tuesday. jc
Nope. :(

But we did eat well. ;)

We've got a hay meadow about a 1/2 mile from here that has aboutr 2-3 dozen elk hanging out the last 3 days (anybody got a private land Unit 20 tag?) ... coupla very nice 5-6Xs on down - mixed herd.

Figures. :D
With as dry as it has been forage is important . Find a place where food is plentiful and you'll find your elk. They will travel 5 miles for water but need good grazing & cover first.
Yep, between the 5 of us we got 5 elk in 211 just a couple of weeks back. We also got 5 mule deer...we may be from Ohio but we can hunt! :)

We ended up getting 3 bulls and 2 cows, nothing very large, but hey they were legal! :)

I personally did not connect though, just got a Mulie.
Those elk are still there - hanging out in this guys hay meadow. Herds increased to about 50+ - mixed bulls/cows.

Had to stop the truck on the way back from town this afternoon - two 6Xs+ hanging out in the road. Pretty nifty & 1/2 mile away from home.

Seriously. If anyone's got a private land Unit 20 tag .... e-mail & I'll put you on 'em.
Brother got back about a week ago after his week in and near San Juan Forest (SW corner). Out of 10 hunters (no guide), they got 2 bulls, 2 cows and 2 mulies. Brother and horse had banged up scope getting out of a bind and it was trashed for his only opportunity. Unlike when I was there in July, seeing 3 bears in a week, they saw none.
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