Elk and SideLock Success !!


New member
Folks, just want to share my freinds success in taking an Elk, last week. Looks like I'm in for a nice roast. I as well as another Buckskinner have been working with him on Tradional M/L shooting. This year as well as past years, he takes more than one deer and all with Traditionals. Here is the recent message I got from him. .... :)

Hey Pahoo

I just got back from a successful elk hunt. I ended up with a small 6x3 bull. I shot him at less than 40 yards with the Deerstalker after he came bugling and running into my cow calling. My load was 80 grains of swiss 2f and the hornady 385 grain bullet. It was a lung shot with no exit. I did not find the bullet. He went 20 yards and stood there for 10 minutes before he died. All the bleeding was collected within the body.
Let me back up a little bit. Before I left on the trip and after your trigger work, I went in the backyard and shot one bullet at 100 yards and then one at 50 yards. I used the same load as above. I walked down to the target and both bullets hit the 2 1/2 inch bullseye. That was all I needed to see. I cleaned the gun and then left on the trip the next morning.
I plan on doing more shooting and "load perfecting" with this little gun in the future.

Thanks Pahoo
The trigger is awesome

Be Safe !!!
Placement was good, and lung shots are lethal.

Glad it worked out.

I have a hard time tracking deer that are shot with a ML- as the guy said, no exit and bleeding was internal. I lost the one deer I killed with my flintlock-coyotes found it before I did, so if I ever use it again, it will be when there is fresh snow on the ground.