Elizebeth Dole pro gun control?


New member
Ms. Dole at a New Hampshire primary forum of candidates stated 'no one needs an ar15 to protect their family' and 'kid locks on guns is a good idea'. Not actual quotes, but the substance as reported in the Orange Co, Ca Register this morning. Unfortunately, Texas governor Bush was't there. He seems to be one of the few the only strong gun advocates on the horizon.
Dole's statement sounds like the same old elitist drumbeat. Bush Jr. isn't perfect, but he still looks like our best bet.
I believe I heard somewhere ( Shooters.com?) that Bob Dole cast a cruitial vote for the Brady bill.

Fox News has the story, <a href="http://www.foxnews.com/js_index.sml?content=/news/national/0503/d_rt_0503_15.sml">Elizabeth Dole Calls For Gun Control, Earns Boos.</a>
Lizzie is pushing for the women's vote. I guess she figures all those soccer moms will like her more if she's anti-gun.

I'm pulling for my home boy, Lamar Alexander. He's pro-gun, but not real outspoken about it. He's very big on education. And boy, does the education system need help! I doubt if he gets it though. He just don't have charisma.