Elizabeth Dole Openly Opposes Concealed Carry and Supports Mandatory Gun Locks


New member
Hey Gang!

This one threw me! I thought Elizabeth Dole was more conservative than this. She sounds just as bad as Clinton!

Here's the link to the story...



Personally, I'd love to ask her face to face how my CCW makes the cop's job harder.

- Anthony
This just killed any chances for Dole. At least I sure hope so. Bush is getting to sound better all the time... even though he may turn on us.

"It's the right thing to do and I won't shy away from the tough issues, even if some in my party don't like it," Dole said. My, my, such courage! We shouldn't mind that she's raising a useless, phoney issue that--through a strange coincidence--she can milk politically to get the media to pay more attention to her.

Anyway, IMO Mrs. Dole is grossly ignorant at best, shamelessly demagogic at worst. In either case, she's revealed herself as an elitist, which is a sorry qualification for the presidency of a republic.

Bush Jr. is not 100% on gun issues, but he's looking better and better to me.
Hi Bookie,

Thanks for the reply. No, I don't think Bush will turn on us.

I live in Texas and have followed Bush since he first threw his hat into the ring during his first Governor's race.

The man has always done what he promised and concealed carry was at the top of his agenda during the campaign and after it. Further he's always openly supported our rights much more actively than most. Yet, he always does it with an understated style that could win many votes.

- Anthony
I'm certainly not surprized by Mrs. Doles anti-freedom statements. And I hope that not too many of you will be surprized when Mr. Bush Jr. coughs up similar political phlegm down the road a little. Remember , BOTH these bozos are " mainstream" politicians, which these days translates to ever increasing repression and government power of all aspects of your life. Both Bush, Jr. and Mrs. Dole support prohibition of high capacity semi-auto rifles and the so-called "cop-killer" bullets....the two very things you will absolutely need when Big Brother finally comes knocking. Stay safe.
Although this is not a reply on E. Doles CCW stand, I was really frustrated on her "Assult Weapon/AK-47" statements. Here is the letter I wrote to her:

Dear Mrs. Dole,
I am a father, a grandfather and Viet Nam veteran and I was really very supportive of you until just a few days ago. I strongly suggest that you look closely at your recent comments about military looking semi-automatic firearms and your position on gun control in general. Your comments that "Nobody needs to own an AK-47", is certainly true if one were able to own a FULLY AUTOMATIC weapon, but fully automatic firearms are illegal. "Legal" AK-47's have been used in protecting life and property. It is outrageous that the term "assault weapons" and "AK-47's" are used at will without real reference to what that really means. Semi-automatic AK-47's are legal firearms as are hundreds of other semi-automatic makes and styles. I use semi-automatic firearms to hunt with, to teach my grand-children with. I use semi-automatic firearms including those that are "not banned" for target, sporting and protection use. Can you define or describe an "assault weapon"? I can't even do that.
Please Mrs. Dole, for the sake of the tens of millions of good, law-abiding citizens of this country and the Constitution and Bill of Rights, understand that there are no differences. This issue continues to polarize and separate our country. I want to support you but in light of this issue, I can not. Please reconsider your stand because the bottom line here from my prospective is "more gun laws on the books" . Laws can only punish violators, not prevent them from committing illegal acts.
Thank You
Bush Jr. does look soft on some gun issues. However, the media have misrepresented him on the issue of so-called armor-piercing bullets. On "Good Morning, America" this past Monday, he was interviewed by Diane Sawyer. IMO Ms. Sawyer phrased her questions so as sneak in an anti-gun bias. Anyway, she asked Bush about whether he would ban "cop-killer bullets." He shot down her question by replying: "They're already banned."

Personally, I thought his response was good: a politician who doesn't take the rotten bait dangling in front of him.
Everybody needs to contact Mrs. Dole and tell her we disapprove of her recent comments about military looking semiauto's and her position on gun control in general. She said, "Nobody needs to own an AK-47." We need to expalin to her that the banned "assault weapons" only have cosmetic differences between them and the semi's that weren't banned. Let her know that under no circumstances will she get our money or support if she continues her antigun rhetoric!
Please post her addy far and wide! We need to nip this in the bud.

<A HREF="http://register.edole.org/Display/Form/feedback_more.htm">
Elizabeth Dole for President Exploratory Committee</A>

<A HREF="http://www.netbabbler.com/goto/index.php3?forumid=12204">
Joe's Second Amendment Message Board</A>

I called Gov Bush and told "him" that I would not vote for him for Pres because of his pro-gun-control statements of late.

A few days later he is backpeddling like crazy and retracting any statements that may or may not have been misconstrued.

I know I didn't do it alone, but it makes me feel good to know that I played a part. I will call Dole too as soon as I get her number and will post it here.

For those of you that are fearful of calling or hesitant, it is very easy and quick. I called Gov Bush's campaign office, politely told the nice secretary that I wanted to make a comment on Gov Bush's political views, she nicely transferred me to another lady who asked my zip code what I had to say, I said *nicely* (the last thing we need is to label our group as a bunch of jerks) "I would like Gov Bush to know that I will not vote for him for President as long as he supports more gun control", and then she said thanks, wrote it on a petition and hung up. Piece of cake.

And my guess is: politicians only care about those that vote. The way they see it, if you are motivated enough to call them, then you are motivated enough to vote against them or for them. It really makes a difference to take 30 seconds and call.

keep up the good fight!
I just called my Senators about an hour ago. I expressed the opinion that I wanted no more gun control laws. I also said I supported S-954, which if passed will stop the law suits against gun companies. I realize that it will also have to go through Congress, but it is a start.
I have found a few polls taken over the last 30 or so days, and printed out the results. They were all greatly in favor of no more gun control. I am mailing copies to my representatives, and a copy to the NRA with a strong message that I will not tolerate any more compromise. I strongly urge all of you to do the same. Let them all know where we stand.
Paul B.
Paul--I'm with you. One thing first though...do you have the results of all those polls saved? If so, could you somehow make them available in any way? I've looked back to a lot of those that were being posted here and they're mostly gone, having been taken down.

[This message has been edited by BAB (edited May 12, 1999).]
Excellent post, tanstaafl, and nice to see another Heinlein fan here.

As long as we as voters continue to support the lesser of two steaming dung heaps, we shouldn't be surprised when we come out smelling like an outhouse. Why not simply vote for the candidate who is solidly, completely, unequivocally pro-gun? Like a Libertarian candidate? Oh, that's right, he/she can't win because the media told me so. Let's conveniently forget that this is the same media that fights for gun control every single day. The only reason we can't elect a real pro-gun candidate is because too many people are afraid to vote their concience, and instead vote for a fraud who was never truly pro-gun.

I'm going to go out on a limb and predict more gun control in the next year, and more shootings at locations where everyone is, by law, unarmed. Anyone care to bet?

"The only good bureaucrat is one with pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it's goodbye to the Bill of Rights." H.L. Mencken