Electronics and Hunting.


New member
Welcome to the Machine... How about it, does anybody use this stuff?

We've got laser range finders, G.P.S., view thru scope camcorders, walkie talkies, electronic game calls and the "hunters ear" the bionic hearing aid and more!

I won't include the spotlight on the pick up. ;)

I see the ads in the mags all the time and technology is pervasive. But when I hunt I take little with me; first aid kit, water, knife, binocs, good boots... simple stuff. I would take the radios, if I had some. And a GPS might be handy, but I know the areas and I have a sense of direction (and a compass ;)).

It's nice to be well outfitted, but I seem to manage.

So... What techno-gear do you use and is it worth the price?

I also take a rifle!

[This message has been edited by anodes (edited June 16, 2000).]
The only high tech equipment I use is a GPS. Have lots of treestands scattered all over the Cascades. Only way they can be found is by GPS. Most of my hunting is done extremely deep in the woods, GPS beats landmark and compass navigation any day, specially in the dark.

I have a laser range finder and a pair of the little short range (2 mile) radios). I didn't buy them. They were gifts from the wife and kids. The range finder is nice on a stand in strange country. I use it to pick out the range to a few spots around the stand. The radios I use to keep track of whomever I'm hunting with. Helps keeping them from getting lost, believe me. I bought a GPS several years ago, but it is a Magellan and a POS. Since they updated the satellites it doesn't work at all. I plan on sending it back to them and telling them where they can put it. I've gotten along for better than 40 years in the boonies without one anyway. Don't figure I really need one now.
Paul B.
I tote a bunch of stuff to camp, but take very little with me during walking hunting. If I'm on a stand, I might take "toys", just to avoid boredom while I wait for something good to happen.

I like the laser range finder to check distances from some ambush point, whether for deer or coyote. Once I work out some landmarks, I set it aside. Radios could be handy, but people do better if they stay quiet; too much temptation to yak about nothing.

On a stand in close cover, I can see where some hearing assistance could be useful. Particularly at may age! ;) And the IR detector would help if tracking a wounded critter at night.

Overall, I prefer just me and my rifle and room enough to ramble. Ethics and all that.

I own and have used all of that nifty high tech stuff. But to be perfectly honest, My favorite hunting is with a simple bow and arrow, or a non-scoped handgun. No goodies, no worries, just me and the game I am chasing. I would rather not hear one beep, horn, phone, car, or airplane. And I can also do without looking at anything digital for a day or two. "old school" hunting is good for the sole, and it does wonders to relieve stress.

I might use a GPS if I had one. My degree of techno use depends upon the camp, and thats for after the hunt, i.e. music, cooler and cookin gear.

Of high-tech hunt use....a flashlight for night tracking. Like Art, its ethics and staying in touch with biology, and a work ethic....I need to earn my dinner as did our ancestors. Same with fishing, no electronics whatsoever.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
We need to hear from Mr. HiTech himself, Rich Lucibella...
I will never forget his "electronic predator calling system". :D

BTW: I used a GPS in Texas on a hunt because I didn't know the area. It was foggy, and I managed to get rather lost anyway. So much for me and Hitech...
I do love my laser, but seldom have time to use it the way I hunt. It is best at the range, when I am zeroing for long distances that aren't flagged out yet.

When you are fishing, do electronic detonators count as "HiTech"? ;)

[This message has been edited by MAD DOG (edited June 16, 2000).]
AAARRRRRGGHHH!!!!!! Dont take a radio. I was bowhunting last year and a nervous buck was working his was to me when my partner, who could apearantly see me on the opposite hillside said,"DO YOU SEE THAT BUCK? ...YOU SPOOKED HIM! HE'S RUNNIN OFF" I had the radio on the lowest setting and that buck heard it from out of bow shot. Maybe with synchronized watches to be turned on at a given time. But if I would have had my rifle...
Ahh, Kevin...

Killing is a Zen thing...exempting self-defense, it is supposed to be difficult...there cannot be guarantee that dinner is served without sweat, cunning, intelligence....or else why are we deserving of the pre-eminent food chain position? Unlike the Democrats, I still believe sweat and the threat to self-esteem is requisite ;)

'lectronics is the same as white styrofoam and saranwrap.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I've got several tapes for my baby boombox, for coyote calling. 95% of the time, I just use my "blower"--and do just as well.

Sure, there are places where you have almost no choice but to sit in a stand. From the standpoint of DC's "Zen" comment, I far and away prefer to hunt in country where I can walk. I'm testing my skill at figuring out where Bambi is laid up; how close I can get before he jumps and runs, and how good I am on a running target.

Food tastes better when you've earned it.

Later, Art
I can see where some of this stuff might be useful, especially gps in big unfamiliar territory or in the dark. Radios could be nice if you need help, medical or just assistance. (I dropped a whitetail buck and he fell into about a 30' deep ravine, about an 80 degree slope, choked with burr oaks, cedars,and briars, man was that a time I could have called for some help.) The use of radios when hunting is regulated in some areas however. As far as rangefinders, any of the places I hunt that I would need one, say if I set up over an alfalfa field at dawn, are fenced into 1/4 sections, so if its less than 1/2 way across the field, it should be in range, if it is 1/2 or over, its not.
Besides, my basic gear is heavy enough by the end of the day, I don't need to tote any more stuff.
The only piece of `hi-tech' electronics I've found to to of any real use is a pair of ProEars Pro Mag LE hearing protectors. I can hear just about everything going on around me and yet don't end up with ringing ears when through shooting. Can't say that I'd like any of the other stuff since with the exception of the `hearmuffs' I've always pretty much traveled pretty `light' when out hunting. Anything beyond what one needs to `survive' is too much. (And keeping one's hearing intact is definitely something towards `survival'.)

Doleo ergo sum,
I think a GPS would be good in unfimilar hunting area. But then a compass and topo maps do the same (if you know how to use them).

The hearing aid may come in handy. Just ask my wife says I never hear her.

I have to agree with one of the previous posts. I personally want to get away from it all. I like to go light and not carrying a lot of equipment.

Something I do take every hunt and scouting trip is a cell phone (TURNED OFF) this gives my wife a sense of security knowing if I break a leg I'll be able to get in touch with someone (I usally hunt alone). The cell phone won't work in all area's of the US.

You all have a good day.

i have a gps tracking system on a solar charging system hardwired to my tree stand. I feed digital angel GPS senders to the local buck population from my electronic corn dribbler. I have my corn feeder wired to a digital camera that runs an analysis software that boone & crocket scores the bucks so only the large ones get GPS tagged. This way i have the entire big buck population on proximity alert so i can watch football in my stand and not have to pay attention to the random woodland noises.

Next year i am going to have my venison wrapped & dropped off by priceline.com

