Electronic powder trickler using your A&D scale

That's interesting. However, Hornady, RCBS and perhaps others, sell versions of exactly this type of machine.

I have the Hornady version, which includes an electronic balance built-in, along with a hopper that will hold more than 1 lb. of powder. It has presets for desired powder charge and piece count. It also has multiple speeds, which is useful for different types of powder. Of course, it has calibration software.

The built-in balance is only precise to 0.1 grain, though.....so you've got that beat.

I don't mean to rain on your parade. Obviously, you are a smart guy and very capable, in order to design and home-build such a device. I just wanted to point out, in case you didn't know already, that a couple of companies are already producing a commercial version of your device.
This system is faster and much more accurate than the commercial all-in-one dispensers. This is aimed at competitive shooters who are currently hand trickling on lab scales like these and need an alternative to the Prometheus.
In further raining I don't believe this is the right area for that to be put in.

Looks more like something that should be in the for sale section.
Adamjmac, I must say your unit shows very cool ingenuity as well. Both of you and jmorris are way beyond the average loader in automating the process of completing an exact charge. I can recall myself hand trickling make up powder from a 3-06 case into a scale pan while I loaded a hundred 30-30s a year ago. I wish I had time to think of such solutions and the knowledge to put it together.

Thanks for sharing your experience.