Electronic Hearing Protection Assistence.

Billy Sparks

New member
Okay my electronic ear muffs died so I am in the market for some more. What does every one like or dislike? I really want to stay away from the type that clips (ie shuts off) when it detects loud sounds but shuffles the volume down. (Not sure I am using the correct terminology).
I have pro ears power muffs and they work very well. I also have a pair of remington's that work well too.

my regular muffs are peltor- that also make electonic ones.

Most, if not all, clip off the volume at a set DB. Not really sure what you are looking for that would be different than what is already out there.
Okay the set I was using was MSA Sordin's and they do not clip or just shut off at a loud sound they mute it but you can still hear.
What you want are muffs that "compress" the sound.

Sound compression mutes loud noises allowing you to always hear but at safe levels.

The cheaper muffs have "peak clipping" circuitry. In other words, it simply shuts off the microphones after a certain decibel level.

Sorry no recommendations, just a short lesson in the types of electronic muffs, since I am looking also.
