Electronic Game Caller


I'm going to buy an electronic game caller and do not know which one to buy; a Lohman or a Johnny Stewart. I'll be using it for calling in coyotes. If you have one of these, tell me what you think of it. Good and bad.

Thanks all.


"It is better to die for something than to die for nothing." General George Patton
These speaker/casette systems were tested in an Aus shooting magazine last year for calling dingoes. It worked they said... but the gear was very expensive here and the point was strongly made that the inexpensive wind callers were far more variable, lighter, skillfull and portable.

EG The Lohman super cyote is a real lung-full and will a easily go out to 2Km ! I know - as I have one and it terrorises sheep & cattle at that range to a mini stampede/defence.

***Big Bunny***