Electoral College system must go.

Scott Evans

Staff Alumnus
The more I look into this Electoral college system that we have the more I am sure it has to go.

What great potential for corruption !

How can it be justifed?

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The electoral college was put in place by our founding fathers because they thought that the average citizen was to emotional, and would vote purely on emotion, rather than for the better canidate (gee were they smart or what). In the beginning, people in the electoral college could really vote what ever way they wanted. Thats how whats his name (forgot which pres.) won the election even though he had less popular votes.
Today, when a candidate wins a states whole contengent is made of people loyal to the winning party, so CA has 54 repub. and 54 socailists waiting to go to New York every 4 years, and for the past 2 elections, the Socailists went.
I think its need to go back to the way it was
It is my understanding that the E/C resulted primarily because of the time factor in tallying individual votes. This is no longer a factor.

Bottom line: Under the current system Presidential votes, for the average citizen, is nothing more then a glorified opinion poll. Your vote has no impact on the actual mechanism.

House Representatives are different and that is where the real battle is as far as any vote having an effect.

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