Election Report: Alaska


Lets get to the nitty gritty here and figure our states out for this election year.

We have Sen. Stevens (R) who generally is pro gun and a socially hands off type of guy. Hes older than hell, under investigation for sucking out petrobribes over the years and a pork lover....

Most folks love him up here, his opponent is likely to be the left leaning Mayor of Anchorage Begich who is a smarmy nanny state lover...this guy is far to the left of the Alaska electorate although he plays well here in Los Anchorage...he is another wheeler and dealer too, only he is a suckboy for real estate interests since the Feebs have already closed down the oilbribe pipelines. Closet antigunner FWIW

Stevens will win.

Don Young, the best friend hunters, gun owners, and sportsman ever had is another one who the Feebs are chasing for putting fingers into the pie...however, I have no idea who is running against him yet, usually its some sacrficial lefty.....

He'll be back if he isnt indicted.

Alaska stays reliably pro gun

Sarah Palin, our governor, had her water break (did ya know she was preggers) in Texas so she whipped back to Alaska so the child wouldnt be born in Texas ):

Alaska's first family is a bit bigger.

Governor Sarah Palin delivered her fifth child Friday morning.

Her office says she went into labor while attending a governors conference in Texas Thursday. After delivering a keynote address, she managed to get on a plane and arrive back in Alaska in time to give birth to Trig Paxson Van Palin.

Trig arrived at 6:30 a.m. weighing six pounds and two ounces. The family says they are blessed and happy, but add that Trig will face special challenges that were detected through testing during Palin's pregnancy. The governor delivered almost a month before her actual due date.

There have been no further details or pictures released.

The special needs according to the Guvs mom is that the child has Down's Syndrome, which the family knew from the beginning.

WildthatsmyreportAlaska TM
it is time to say goodbye

both Ted and Don have past the point at which they care about anything in Alaska that does not benefit them. Ted is so far removed from the rest of the people in the State that he supporters are dropping out daily.

I sat through a fisheries meeting where Ted did nothing but defend his actions to allocate the resources to a few native corporations while shutting down existing fisherman who are non-native. His biggest plan was to have Ben (his son) be his replacement. NOw that Ben has self eliminated that possibility Ted cares less and less about the rest of the State.

Don has forgotten that he is there for Alaskans and not for his friends outside. Don has spent almost $ 900,000 in legal fees defending himself from an issue he will not disclose. I believe his latest problem with making changes to legislation after it passed the Senate will be his demise.

When either of these two get voted out or die Alaska is going to suffer greatly as its political clout could goes from high to almost nonexistent. That is what happens when you allowed long term politician to remain in office past their point of being viable. The rest of the pack in DC just sits back and waits for the old to go away and some non-entity replaces them. None of the candidates running against Don or Ted will be more than another vote on the floor in Washington; none will have any support near what Ted and Don have had. As a result new faces in DC will mean Alaska will be left out of everything for years and years: that's real life politics when you loose power you suffer.
It doesn't have to be that way. The Republicans have eliminated the strict seniority system in their caucus that the Dems maintain. Elect a Republican majority and you don't have to worry about seniority problems.
Maine's a mess. I don't suspect that Susan Collins has many fans here, she's a moderate (in the true northeast sense of the word) Republican. She's up against Tom Allen, our 1st District Democratic Congressman. And he leans way to her left. Suzie has been hurt badly by Iraq.

Allen's seat, in Maine's first district (for as big as this state is we only have two) will certainly be filled by one of the Democratic candidates, and all of them are even more liberal than he is. But at least whoever wins that contest won't be in Augusta raising my taxes, they'll be in D.C. trying to raise our taxes.
Don Young, the best friend hunters, gun owners, and sportsman ever had is another one who the Feebs are chasing for putting fingers into the pie...however, I have no idea who is running against him yet, usually its some sacrficial lefty.....

Sean Parnell announced that he was running against Young in the primary.
It's hard to tell who the democratic sacrificial lamb will be. Berkowitz maybe?

Stevens probably will keep his Senate seat. Mark "The Boy Mayor" Begich may be liked in Anchorage, but not anywhere else in the state.

Hopefully Knowles will grow a brain and realize he's not wanted and remain in post-politics obscurity.

When either of these two get voted out or die Alaska is going to suffer greatly as its political clout could goes from high to almost nonexistent.

Not to take anything away from Young's or Stevens' accomplishments on Alaska's behalf, but it's a shame you have to keep voting for the Devil because the alternative is unacceptable.

That's my biggest reason for supporting term limits. Yeah we CAN vote them out at any time, but the other states aren't going to play that way, so term limits are the only way to level the field.

Repealing the amendment allowing direct election of senators and putting the responsibility of selecting senator back on the state legislatures would be a step in the right direction too.
Sean Parnell announced that he was running against Young in the primary.

Not a bad guy for freedom lovers.

Mark "The Boy Mayor" Begich may be liked in Anchorage, but not anywhere else in the state.

Thank god, I felt so alone :)

WildsocanweagreeAlaskaisintherepubsafeforgunscolumnuntiltheindictmentscomedownAlaska TM
Hand of our legislature .. are you serious.

"Repealing the amendment allowing direct election of senators and putting the responsibility of selecting senator back on the state legislatures would be a step in the right direction too." stevelyn

Think about it a while stevelyn. I have no doubt that the good old boys club would have put Ben Stevens in office over Lisa Murkowsky. I certainly would not have wanted Ben and Ted both in DC. Now consider who they would put in place of Don (after he dies.) The selection would be from one of the two or three top party organizers. None of which care about anything but having the power to edict things. Clearly the legislature would let Don stay there forever. Our state legislatures are 100% party line oriented in everything they do. Look at the Cowdry screw-up and the support he is getting from the party. Then tell me the legislature would do better then voters.

Realise Stevelyn how many of Alaska's DC crew were originally put there by appointment. Both Lisa and Don started out with appointments. And I expect Ted's replacement to be after he dies in office when a replacement will get appointed. Ben Steven still believes he'll get appointed. Should he Alaska might as well send the few state politicians currently in jail to DC with him as Ben's staff.