ejector for "lemon squeezer"


New member
I have a Smith and Wesson top break revolver with a grip safety. I've heard it called a safety hammerless, not sure if that's what it's officially called.

The ratchet is worn. Does anyone know where I can get a new ejector?
Gun Parts Corp. (www.gunpartscorp.com) lists them but says little or no stock available at this time. You might try anyway as they may have one stuck in a dark corner.

You might look around at the gun shows for the part or possibly for another gun to cannibalize. There were a lot of those made and they are not scarce.

Actually, the gun is an antique and it might be a good idea to retire it; if you like the concealed hammer design, S&W has made several modern guns of the same type.

"Actually, the gun is an antique and it might be a good idea to retire it; if you like the concealed hammer design, S&W has made several modern guns of the same type."

I do like the concealed hammer design, and am carrying a 340pd right now. I bought this antique just because I was astonished at the similarities it has to the newer pocket revolvers.

Besides, I have a box of 38 S&W lying around and need to use it up.

I'll call Numrich and see if they have a used ejector. I was hoping someone could tell me they knew where to find one new.