eform trust upload question


New member
What electronic format is your signed/notarized trust saved in?

My trust is done, signed & notarized.

So, how should I scan it in/save it to my PC to meet ATF efile requirements? (I have my online id, but haven't submitted a form 1 online yet... a Ruger Charger as an SBR is my first project.)

Also do you submit the trust and Schedule A as a single file, or separate?

Thanks in advance.
The site accepts several types of files, and they are listed on the site.
Iirc, I used a Microsoft Word file.
I know it takes pdf, Microsoft Word, and jpeg. It also takes about 3 others, I just can't remember them.
I didn't have the capability to create pdf, only read them, which was why I did mine in word.
I'm thinking of leaving the schedule in Word since it is easier to edit... Adobe wants too much money to convert their reader to full featured. I noticed you could upload more than one doc with the eform 1.
I've done all my uploads as pdf

FYI google has a free pdf editing program called formulate pro and it works great.
Thanks... are there supposed to be witness signatures on the schedule A?

Just wondering, since it gets things added to it, will the original signatures / dates be carried over?
That was why I left mine in word, didn't want to pay the upgrade.
I will look into that free one for sure.
No, you do not need witnesses for your schedule a, unless your attorney set it up that way, which you sure hope he did not.
It is only a list of what the trust holds. You can add or remove items at will, as the grantor.
Just make sure to keep adding the items you put on it before sending it back in for the next item. They are looking at trusts closer now. I do not know exactly what would happen if they got it in to add something, but it is missing something their records show is on it.
Probably just kick it back for fixing, but you never know.
Thanks everyone,

My Trust is signed, witnessed and notarized, but I didn't think the Schedule A needed witness signatures (read somewhere that it should).

After it was signed/notarized, I uploaded my Trust as a PDF but plan to keep my Scheule A as a doc file since it is easier to edit, then I can just scan it as a PDF if I want to upload it with an eform.

When I submitted my eform 1 for an SBR, on my schedule A I listed $100 and the Ruger Charger I want to SBR. I've read differing opinions on whether I should have included the Charger, but I figured if its already assigned to the Trust, then the approval should go smooth.

It really is a convoluted process with no clear instructions from the folks who manage the program.
Mine is a .pdf file. I keep my original Schedule A in Word but print a copy to .pdf when I submit.

My practice for all of my stamps (both paper and electronic) has been to list the new item the application is for with the parenthetical (pending BATFE approval).

My trust lawyer told me that this is proper, since you do in fact already own the item and are merely waiting on permission to take posession of it.
My reasoning is since the trust can "own" just about anything, it can own a Ruger Charger even if it's not subject to NFA... yet.

If an individual applied, it seems they would buy the item first in order to provide a serial number, so I was just replacing the person with the trust.

It is interesting how many different opinions and practices folks have on the subject, and apparently ATF doesn't have a preference since I've seen folks go both ways and get approved.