Effects on the body after an attack.

mitchell koster

New member
Hey all :)

Well i've just finished doing a course which had a couple of lessons on "the body". One of the topics in the course was the Centeral nervous system and I thought i would share a few things.

There are a lot of posts that help us prepare for an attack, ie. senarios and different training techniques so that we are enlightened and more prepared for when we're attcked. But I often think about after an attack. When we're being attacked there is a part of our Nervous system that is called the Sympathetic Nervous System. This kicks in when we're under high preasure situations. A lot of what it does is release adreniline into the system so that we can fight or run (the "technical" names is flight or fight response). All of this happens without us telling the body to do it.

Whilst we're either fighting or running we're burning MASSIVE!!!!!!!!! ammounts of energy that generally lasts untill the ordeal is over.

This is not what i want to talk about (but it makes more sense if there is a bit of back-ground). What I want to talk about is the attack. Because our bodies have been using so much energy and has suddenly stopped, it some how needs to regain this energy (our bodies go into a Para-sympathetic state) where all we want to do is sleep. I want to encourage people that if it happens to you. Please don't resist sleeping (unless concussed) because your body needs to recover.

If something like this happens please don't drive home or do things that need a high ammount of attention because it could have a serious effect on others. (I don't need to explain what happens when you fall asleep behind the wheel on a highway).

Hope you've found some of this helpful and I hope you don't have to be in this situation but if it does, just remember that your body has a "mind of its own" that generally knows what it needs at the time.

Have a good weekend.

Mitchell. ;)
Thanks for that bit of advice...I appreciate you sharing what you have learned with others who may need it some day...
I wonder how many people who make it through a life threatening situation are actually able to sleep, because they may have had to take a life, go through an arrest and time in jail, dealing with the press, and the victems family(no matter how wrong the bad guy was), etc etc....
I bet its hard to make good decisions about just about anything after something like that happens....