Anyone who has shot in the hot, steamy weather of the National Championships knows that at the end of the day, physical condition is important.
For years I shot across the course at the Nationals and had to pull the 600 yard targets, for free, for the Long Range shooters. All 600 yards scores were counted toward the same aggregate in the long range championship, if you decided to shoot Long Range after the end of the across the course phase. The guys who shot Long Range had it great and had an advantage. You, if you shot across the course, you were on the firing line around 0600, put up your targets, pulled targets all day long, and by 2 pm in the afternoon, when all relays moved to the 600 yards line, you had already sweated out several gallons of water. The Long Range shooters got up around 9 or 10, had a nice leisurely breakfast, arrived at the range around noon, never broke a sweat as someone was pulling their targets. Of course their average 600 yard scores were much better than the pit pigs, because physical stress is all part of the game.
Around the turn of the century there were two complete relays of long range shooters on the line for every target point. But unlike back in the 80’s, internet forums allowed across the course shooters to express their opinions on pulling for these guys, (which were not exactly positive), someone noticed, and the decades long practice ended.
What came next was a separate day for three 600 yard relays which was considered part of the Long Range aggregate. This match was well attended, but the Long Range community decided that 600 yards was not far enough and the 600 yard segment eventually was canceled.