Effectiveness of GC in Australia


New member
Last week I taped "World"s most amazing video's" so I just got to view it last nite. They showed a video where these masked man robbed a jewelry store---WITH MACHETE'S. Ain't that a hoot! So much for reducing crime by confiscating firearms. A final irony 2 of the customer's that were there during the robbery slid the jewels they were looking at in their purses. I think you downunder folks should outlaw all sharp objects. Maybe purses should go on that list also. After all maybe if those ladies didn't have purses they would not have stolen there little items.

"Solidarity is the Key"
A few weeks ago I read (can't remember in what mag) that Australia want's to do just that- outlaw knives. no joke the artilce demonized assault knives(or something like that) like HCI does "assault rifles" just proves it will absolutely never stop.
Now don't laugh at this because it's not funny.
Yes certain knives are banned outright, any double edged knife and some nasty combat type ones(don't know which). Those swiss army knife credit card tools are banned.
In NSW it is ILLEGAL to carry a knife in public unless it is for your work, or you have a reasonable excuse, e.g going fishing.
Carrying a swiss army knife is illegal, any knife no matter what it is. So if you come to NSW don't carry your pocket knife or you will be fined. I think about $500 Aus and repeat offenders jailed, I think. If a police officer wants to search you for a knife you have to agree to a search or be arrested. It's up to them to decide why to search you.

This all happened because a police officer was stabbed and killed. His wife went on tv saying knives should be banned, the media gets behind it and it happens. There is also problems in Sydney in different areas with ethnic gangs carrying knives and causing problems. The Shooters Party MLC John Tingle suggested they restrict the ban to those streets which have a problem, which is a perfectly sane idea because some of those places are pretty dangerous. No that was too sensible.

So you have the ridiculous case of a policewoman going into a country pub and confiscating the knives the farmers carried on their belts. I don't think anyone coul make something up that is so stupid.
you have to be over 16 to buy a knife, they do allow under 16 year olds to buy plastic knives though.

I don't know what they will ban next, maybe cricket bats ?

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Dundee is doubtless in jail by now for carrying that bloomin assault knife.

I understand that in the new nearly-gunless UK, the number one murder weapon is a beer mug. So, I'm sure beer mug bans will be next on the antis' list. Everyone will have to take shots of beer from shot glasses, I guess. And I thought you Brits and Aussies were supposed to be smart!? At least the Kiwis still have rights, don't they?
Exiled and addicted:

Ummm ... I believe the Poms already are banning beer mugs. You want a beer, you get it in a plastic cup.


By the way, would the last person out of Kiwi-land please turn off the lights ;)

Knife-carrying is similarly banned here in West Oz, and police can search your person if they suspect you are carrying a knife. My half-blind, diabetic, 72-year-old father, who weighs maybe 105lbs soaking wet and has Paget's disease, severely limiting his mobility, carries a little pocketknife with a 2.5 inch blade, for eating fresh fruit, his favourite. Last time he flew, the airline security took it off him, locked it away, and gave it back to him after the flight. They also told him he could have been in severe trouble for trying to "smuggle" it on the aircraft. Give me a break!!!

A link about the buyback failure - someone who stole guns that were handed in-

Remember one of the guns used at the Port Arthur massacre was also a banned gun that had been handed in in Victoria back in the late eighties.

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Are you serious? Banned beer mugs????!!!

Its been illegal in England for over a year to advertize tactical and sport knives in all media (mags, newspapers, TV) or show pictures of them.

I am amazed those Aussie farmers didn't eat that cop alive. What next...shovels, hoes and picks?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

Yep, I'm deadly serious. I just wish I could lay my hands on the reference, but I can't.

The State governments, led by the Federal govt, are also pushing here for a complete ban on knife advertising, and to stop "collectibles" or "special issue" knives (such as The Bowie Knife done by the Franklin Mint) on the grounds that they "promote the 'knife culture'".

This is similar reasoning to the Federal law that says I can't legally import a shooting or firearms-related videotape into the country for my own use, without having it submitted for classification by the Censorship and Classification Board -- at a cost of several hundred dollars. (I must admit, I have no idea if Customs are enforcing this rule or not, but it is there.) The idea is to get rid of shooting/hunting videos that "promote the 'gun culture'". (Is there an echo in here??)

As for the policewoman in the country town -- well, I've lived and worked in a lot of small country towns in WA, and while the farmers might have handed over their knives, that copper would find she still had to live in the town -- and it can be mighty lonely when you are completely ostracised. My guess is she would be applying for a transfer pretty damn quickly.


[This message has been edited by Bruce in West Oz (edited May 24, 1999).]
What do you consider "ethnic gangs" in Oz? I am just curious what the term means on the other side of the globe.
What is "ethnic" in Australia?

"Ethnic" is probably an unfortunate use of "correctspeak". It is used when we really want to say "Vietnamese" or "Lebanese" or "Serbian" or "Chinese" or something similar, but to do so and actually identify the group would have us branded "racists".

Australia's dictionary, the Macquarie, gives a number of definitions, including "relating to members of the community who are migrants or descendants of migrants and whose native language is not English".
To y'all down under.

I guess I'm guilty of studying what is going on in my own back yard too much, but, WHAT IN THE HELL HAPPENED TO COMMON SENSE DOWN THERE?!?!?!!? :(

I thought we Americans were silly beyond belief (and we are, more and more), but your situation down there is a heartbreak and a half. :(

I remember folks down there as being pretty pragmatic and sensible. Did they all pass away? Did they disappear one night whilst laying down next to some large alien bean pods???!?!? What does Peter J. Daniels say about all this? ;)

I wonder what will happen when I visit down there next time. Is there a ban on people(especially foreigners like me) that can "do the deed" with bare hands alone. ;)

On a more humorous note, the last time I went to Caneeda (eh?), I was coming back into Detroit (I know, why would I leave Windsor)
and after chatting with the formidable Canadian customs folks(?), just as I was driving away, I threw on my NRA cap and waved. The look on their face was priceless... :) :)

Hoo Ya!
Ah, that is interesting. The climate here is so heated that I don't even know what the word mean here because I am afraid to ask people when they use it! If you even approach a question like that you are an instant racist. Silly political correctness, you can't even say what you mean, even if it is true, or ask an honest question.

Here, to be honest, "ethnic gangs" means black gangs, mexican gangs, and in some pockets, asian gangs.
I never saw an asian gangster until I moved to Southern California, but they are very dangerous and effective at their chosen tasks. I have had a number of personal run-ins with asian gangs from several of the different asian countries (they only gang up with their own specific kind)
It was just interesting to note what the term meant on the other side of the globe.

If there are any PC people here, I will probably get blasted for even saying what I just said. I am sure it must offend someone out there somehow, even if it is true, and I was being relatively polite.
I forgot to mention that I am talking about West coast US. I hear that on the East coast "enthic gang" would mean Puerta Rican, Cuban or others that I have never seen.
You are letting them get to ya ;)

The term isn't racist, its a necessary neutral descriptive term. LEO has to deal with different gangs in different ways based upon the cultural traditions of a gang's ethnic components.

LEO can't approach a gang problem generically, a Caucasion based gang has a different mindset than an Asian or Latino, etc. And they have to get even more precise in distinguishing the various sub-groups of a particular ethnicity.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Oops...2 windows open ;)
"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited May 25, 1999).]