Edge Works in Limbo?

Matt VDW

New member
Are Edge Works kydex holsters still available? According to the web site, the company has been setting up its production line for several months now.

It's a shame, because the Edge Works holsters look great. Hmmm...
I suppose “limbo” might be an appropriate term. Edge-Works began as a producer of Kydex knife sheaths primarily for commercial clients. Companies such as Ka-Bar, Camillus, SOG and so on … accounted for the majority of our work and in many ways still do. Holsters were a natural progression as all of us at EW are avid shooters. We found that Kydex not only made for a great knife sheath but it made an even better holster. Our holsters started out as Items that were just for us and our local clientele made up in large part by Marines from near by Camp LeJeune and Local Law Enforcement. Our holsters were originally all hand made one at a time. This process netted the finest holsters (in my opinion) however; we were quickly over run with more orders then we could deliver. We made several adjustments and “on the fly” fixes to adapt to the ever growing demand. However, demand always grew ahead of our ability to produce. “A good problem to have …” so one might think; (certainly preferable to the opposite) but demand for products that a company cannot deliver in pace with orders despite great effort eventually takes its toll. Resources get pulled from areas that are running smoothly and they likewise fall behind. After about a year of chasing my tail I decided to stop accepting orders for hand made items until such time as a complete line of top quality, premium, production Kydex holsters could be offered. For this reason I have deliberately keep the business low key this past year and currently will continue to do so. When we are ready to reliably handle the volume we will remerge as the holster / tactical gear company to contend with (we are almost there). I had hoped this year’s Shot Show would have been the launch of the new “Tactical Edge” line, however, more is needed before we unveil these products. Problems associated with this are being solved with the view toward the long haul (no more quick fixes or Band-Aid policies). Some of the building blocks along the way to our goals that we have in place now are; a New facility, more refinements and improvements in our process (the most efficient and technically advanced in the industry), CNC equipment, in house thermal plastic mold making capability, Digitizing equipment, CAD capability, Patens and paten pending on 1 new feature, 1 new series, and 1 new product category. Also, under review for paten is our production process. This process translates perfectly a premium, hand made, hand tuned, holster into a production mold. This mold imparts all the features and intricate surfaces of the hand made to the production with tolerances unlike any other in the industry. The idea here is to provide our customers the best of both “hand made quality and function” with production availability. This task has consumed me; but I enjoy it … and it is a good thing as I am hard at it 80-90 hours a week every week and have been for more then a year. Because of this I don’t post as much as I would like on TFL right now. When looking back I am pleased and sometimes amazed at the ground that we have covered and the look forward is always exciting, however, the hear and now is frequently frustrating. Thanks for asking … it’s nice to know that we have not been completely forgotten. :)

Scott Evans
Director of Operations
Edge-Works Manufacturing Company

[This message has been edited by Scott Evans (edited January 29, 2000).]
Hey - yeah!
I'ld be glad to review ANY 1911 rigs you might have laying around...
preferably IWB, Cross draw, SOB, Lowride, jacket slot, Shoulder, pancake, paddle...
I'm pretty easy :D

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
The only “out of production mold”, ready to ship items available, right this moment, are our Belt slide holster, the ”Stow-a-way” fits all Glock 9mm and .40 frames and our shoulder rig for the same weapons.

Soon will be the IWB for the above weapons.

Following that will be the 1911’s, then Sig’s, S&W’s and so on … No time frame will be projected on these products, however; the last ones will come much faster then the first ones. These holsters are production duplicates of the hand made series we developed over the last several years. Same fit, finish, function.

There is also a completely new series coming that we are Most excited about but I will not be showing it until just before it is ready to ship. This series … (I will keep my mouth shout for now … but its killing me)

When we have production capability on 3 holster styles in the 10 most popular weapon frames we will begin marketing again and accepting applications for dealers.

I was wonder how things are coming along with ramping up for holster production? After looking at your web site, Blade-Tech seems a lot less desirable to me ;)

I would imagine it will be quite some time before you have a product ready for the HK USP? Sounded to me like you were going to start with the Glock/1911 stuff first :eek: Those pesky Glock people, just can't seem to get rid of them I guess hahahahah.

I'm with Spark, BOTH of us would be happy to test any HK rigs you have laying around :) Althou, unlike him, I aint a lefty :eek:

Anyway, take care. Just wanted to see where things were at with you guys.

Welcom to TFL.

In answer to your questions; we are well into the development of the holster line mentioned above. The only change at the moment is the priority of the holsters for S&W products. H&K and Bretta and several others will move ahead of them. Progress, as always, is slower then I prefer. However, we are determined to stick to our commitment of nothing but premium quality (both in form and function) and a complete line (that is; enough immediately available variety in the product line so that we can reliability support our dealers needs). Also, because of the innovations that we will be introducing I believe it is necessary for us to “hit the ground running” and establish our claim on the improvements. If we trickled out the line one holster at a time as they were finished other companies (presently with deeper pockets then us) would gain some advantages that we have invested considerable resources in and possibly beat us to the market. We are planning long term. If all goes well, as there is still much to accomplish, the up coming Shot Show would be an ideal launching point. This is just an estimate. I will not at this point guarantee any date for first delivery. I will, however, guarantee this; … the “Tactical Edge” holster line will be worth the wait.

Thank you much for your interest,


“This is my rifle, there many like it but this one is mine …”
Justin's a bit impatient (but then, so am I) because I was bragging about your holsters after we all got back from Will's Cabin.

EdgeWorks has some really high speed innovations in the works and I am eagerly looking forward to plunking down some of my money for new holsters for my Glock 30 and HK USP 40F


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com
So Scott... are you telling me that I can't custom order a Kydex combination holster for a 4.75" Casull/Ka-Bar/Surfire 6Z and will have to wait for a production model? :P

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

Semper Fi … buddy

Anything for a brother Marine …

You know the way to Jacksonville and Edge-Works; drop by and we’ll work on it (among other things) together. :D

You know your money is no good with me… :)

Well; OK if you insist… :D

Hay… but for now keep most of that stuff under your hat …

“This is my rifle, there many like it but this one is mine …”

Thanks for the prompt reply. Surely appreciated :)

So, you are putting S and W on the back burner eh? Heh, those poor S and W guys, buy the time you get around to them, the company (S and W that is)will be out of buisiness :D

[This message has been edited by Justin Moore (edited June 21, 2000).]
Scott, when you "hit the ground running" are you going to be able to take care of us lefties?

Everyone is born right handed, the exceptional overcome it.

Guns cause crime like spoons cause Rosie O'Donnell to be fat!

I hunt, therefore I am.

Yes …

Don’t tell anyone yet … but once the line is in place we have plans to mirror those items in a subsequent line we intend to call “South-paw”. Left-handers comprise approximately 15% of the market, which on the surface may not seem like much, however we hope to develop strong loyalty among them by developing a line specifically for them.

“South-paw” will follow the development of the original line, which we are hoping to unveil at this years Shot Show.