EDC - Will you be ready?


Are there some instances in which you leave it behind due to the nature of the place you are at when away from home...or the polar opposite, places you simply wont go without old faithful.

I guess my goal is, to see how many people are TRUE BELIEVERS and how many are not (90-100% would be true believers that dont leave home without it) and the lower percentages those who enjoy the industry, sport, and hobby but dont feel it'd be necessary to carry outside of the home.

Im also wandering if those who do carry more often then not have more situational awareness (SheepDog Concept) so they can 1) avoid trouble before having to unholster their weapon or 2) if they cannot avoid it, they can do something about it until proper LEO arrives.

Take care, Dave
Yes, I leave them locked up the majority of the time. I work in a federal no-carry zone. I will not risk my career by ignoring the regulations I work under.

However, the lack of one tool doesn't equal a lack of a plan to deal with those with ill intent. It just makes the odds more challenging.
Situational awareness and carrying are not necessarily associative.
Someone on the forum has an excellent byline, something like - "I am the weapon, the gun is the tool."
The only times I leave my gun at home is if I know for a fact that I will be going to a place that it is not legal to have it even in the car. Those times are very rare indeed.
Carry EVERY day, but do not break laws. I'm fortunate to live in a relatively friendly state. The ONLY time I leave it at home is when I'm traveling to local military installation for PX/Commissary. Since Ft Hood shooting force protection measures have changed and all weapons carried onto installations must be registered w Provost Marshal office.
I always carry, except when I go out to the USAF base. It’s only 20 minutes away and I’m retired military, so that’s pretty often. Otherwise, I’m always armed.

I was just outside doing some tree trimming (palms grow fast in Florida) and had a P3AT in one pocket and a stun gun in the other. I’ve been threatened by dogs and the sound of a stun gun scares the crap out of dogs.
I carry everywhere, every day. I live in an area that is very Pro gun. I only know of one place that doesnt allow guns. I actually was surprised when I got my carry license and started watching for the signs, that there werent any.
The only time I don't carry is when I go in the bar. Sometimes though, I've honestly forgotten I was carrying and walked in. Once I walk to the restroom I'll remember, then I'll give it to the owner or manager on duty (I know them all real well) to lock up in their office for the night. I know the owner and at least one manager carries.

Other than that, it's legal to carry everywhere I go. Even carry in my home.
its very rare when i dont carry on me, and even then i always have a gun in my car. Im always aware of my surroundings, and i believe its kept me from harm several times.
so for all of you guys who carry everywhere all the time, how do you exercise? Running with your gun? Going to the gym and working out with your gun?

Just wondering.
p loader said:
so for all of you guys who carry everywhere all the time, how do you exercise? Running with your gun? Going to the gym and working out with your gun?

When I go running or the gym, I carry a fanny pack and the LC9 is in there. But I rarely go to the gym, usually do my workout at home on the total gym then go for a run around the one of the parks (with fanny pack).
I carry daily, every time I leave the house. Only exceptions are locking the pistol in the car when going to the post office (not terribly common) or courthouse (downright rare). I don't frequent bars.

But it's a pistol, not a religion.
I guess you can consider me a true believer. I used to go to bars to eat, especially microbrews, as they have some great food around here. Now, since bar-carry is verboten, I find myself in those only when the wife is insisting on their food, i.e. maybe once a year. And in the places like Applebees or Chili's, where I used to enjoy a tall beer with my meal, I find myself carrying 100% and enjoying an iced tea. I won't carry if I absolutely can't by law, but generally that's it.

At the gym it's the P32-first rule of a gunfight and all......
As I am sitting here on my couch writing this I have my EDC,a P220 in my Galco Summer Comfort holster, tucked inside my waistband. I am not paranoid at all, nor fearful of crime. I just want to take the "unarmed" factor out of the equation. I have carried for many years. I carry everywhere I go that is legal. I either avoid the places I cannot of lock my carry gun away in a secured lockbox(bolted down) inside my vehicle. I have been in a situation (years ago)that I had wish I had been armed, I will never again if possible, be in that situation. I shoot for fun and target matches. I do not hunt anymore, although enjoyed the sport quite a bit. I do believe in being prepared and very aware of my surroundings.
I think it is safe to assume everyone here agrees that criminals, or those with criminal intent, will not obey posted rules/laws. That said, if you are forbidden from legally carrying a weapon in a business/establishment which has a posted rule against employees and patrons from their right to self defense, and something bad happens like a shooting/stabbing......would you have the right to sue that business/establishment (assuming you have survived)?

The way I understand it, when a business/establishment posts rules forbidding you from carrying, aren't they automatically assuming the safety of employees and patrons. Am I wrong to see it that way?
My employer prohibits weapons on their premises, so that's 5 days a week I am unarmed, unless I happen to need to go back out after having gone home.

There are businesses that I occasionally frequent that are posted with a "no guns" sign which carries weight of law in my state. I choose to continue to go to those places and I abide by their wishes (and the law) and don't carry in those places.

Beyond those limitations, I do tend to carry when I go out on weekends and such. I have a gun safe in the car for when I go into places where weapons are prohibited.

I guess I'm not a true believer.
What little exercise I can still do is limited to walking. There's a 3 mile trail 100 yards from my house. Yes, I carry there, too. In summer in OWB w big t shirt. In other seasons OWB w appropriate cover.