Ed Rendell on "Meet the Press" this morning

The gov of PA was on "Meet the Press" this morning, he was all gushy, gushy over Hillary Clinton:barf:, how she will win the PA, turn the campaign around and become the nominee of the demonrats.:p With all the gun owners in PA, how can Hillary expect to carry that state in the general election? If she carries Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, does she carry the state?:barf: I actually do think Hillary is the more defeatable candidate, McCain would wipe the floor with her. Just last week, she proved she is a habitual liar, talking about sniper fire in Bosnia, that didn't happen, lmao! She is such a joke, but she is a Marxist with a very scary agenda.
No problem with what you are saying, but remember this is the Democratic nomination, not general election. I think Obama is even more left on gun control than Hillary....not that there is that much difference.
I see nothing wrong in keeping it a tight race between Obama & Hillary. As long as Hillary is in then Obama cannot completely make his pretend right turning, he still has to court some of the liberal vote. Also, it keeps them at each other a while longer...no harm in that.
P R I Ma R Y

that is what it is suppose to be until the convention. We seem to forget the primary elections are not designed to come to a conclusion before the conventions. The past few elections there has been more and more of this candidate elimination than an actual candidate selection.

While the Republicans seem to have eliminated all but one individual months before the convention it should not upset everyone that the Democrats have not. All the Republican selection has done is give the one candidate more time to assure no-one else could get the nomination; eliminating the possibility of others from having thier due day. Why are the Republicans going to wast time and money to hold a convention if the selection is over. Maybe the just need the time to sell the party members on their only choice.

I see two main reasons for a convention, Democrat or Republican.

First to nominate the runners, including VP. Second, to have an internal love fest telling other party members what a good choice they have made. And hoping the public watching will also get excited and believe whats in all the speeches being made. The Republicans have done the first part (except VP), not the second as of yet.

The Republican convention may not be too exciting, but the Democrats might be fun to watch. If Hillary can keep a tight race, then there will probably be brawls, throwing things, lots of name calling, threats, etc. What a show, and it will be free.:D

Oops, I forgot biting & clawing.:D
The contest between Hillary and Obama has already been quite a show. They try to be civil in attacking one another but don't think they've quite been able to accomplish that.

If either one of them was Pinocchio their nose would sure be in the way by this time.

Their constant battle has got to help McCain's chances in the general election regarless of who gets the Democratic nomination.
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I don't think there's a dimes worth of difference in Clinton and Obama. They are both wolves in sheeps clothing and the sad thing is they have pulled the wool over too many people's eyes. Forgive the cliches but I believe they perfectly describe this pair of far left wing socialists.
A choice between Clinton and Obama is the frying pan or the fire. By the way, Fast Eddie is an extreme, knee-jerk, gun-grabber from way back as well as a pathological liar. Birds of a feather flock together.
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With all the gun owners in PA, how can Hillary expect to carry that state in the general election? If she carries Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, does she carry the state?

The Same way Ed Rendell Gunbanner extrordinaire, liberal Democrat, won the Governor's Mansion. By relying on the HUNTERS and union members who own guns, but not the evil ones to vote for him.:barf:
Philadephia's racial composition puts it pretty squarely in the Obama camp. The big prize for Clinton is the white flight donut around Philadelphia in the burbs. A few million excess votes there, and the Pittsburgh, and the rural areas should get her over the top, at least that's what she's hoping.
I hope that the two dems beat up on each other to the extent that Mc Cain is elected. Mc Cain in my opinion is the lesser of the evils.
Philadephia's racial composition puts it pretty squarely in the Obama camp. The big prize for Clinton is the white flight donut around Philadelphia in the burbs. A few million excess votes there, and the Pittsburgh, and the rural areas should get her over the top, at least that's what she's hoping.

X2. I'm from the western burbs of Philly and it amazes me how Democrat the once solidly Republican suburbs have become. PA has leaned more blue in recent years, but thankfully that hasn't effected gun ownership, CCW issues........yet. S.E. PA is becoming more like NJ every day.

Fast Eddie is a liberal New Yorker that went to Penn Law School and became entrenched in Philly politics. To understand hiw viewpoint just look north and east to NYC and NJ.