Ed Brown - special forces for IDPA


New member
I was wondering how many folks are shooting Ed Brown's Special Forces pistol for IDPA CDP division. If so how do you like it.

Ed's web site says this weapon has a 7 round magazine -- 1 round less than IDPA allows.... putting you at a disadvantage.

thanks for any info.

I shot my first IDPA match with my EB SF this month. I had a great time. A little cold, but shot through it.
I was using some Wilson 8 rounders that were new and had a few failure to feed problems.
The gun has about 600 rounds through it now and those were the only problems I have had.
I am pretty sure it was the mags. I guess I will go back to my McCormick 8 rounders.
I used an OWB leather holster that I have had for about 12 years.

Since the gun shoots so well I scored about half way up the field of 33.
I am definitely going back.
the mag issue

thanks ditto -- my thought was that using an 8 round mag would cause some issues... I verified that with Ed Brown Products. They test with and therefore recommend the 7 rounder and it would seem that 8 was giving them trouble.

I sent in my order for the Special Forces anyway...
I got the same story from them.
I have a few EB mags and they work flawlessly in the guns. But I like the idea of having that extra round in the gun.
I bought 5 of the Chip McCormick mags to use for IPSC. They work good in the SF.
Since I use the SF for carry also, I like to have a thin base pad on the mag in the gun. The EB mags have a thick base pad.
I guess I will work with the Wilsons to get them more reliable.
McCormick Mags

thanks for the info -- I was especially interested in how the McCormick mags worked. I was going to send off for a few. sounds like they worked out well for you. I also have a Wilson CQB with 8 round mags that i would try.... I am interested in a side by side comparison with the CQB and the SF.

BTW how long did it take EB to ship the SF to you -- they quoted me 3 months.


I purchased mine at a local gunshop. They had just got into stock that day. Timing is everything.
I got my mags at shooter connection. The deal was 5 for the price of 4 or 6 for the price of 5. I can't remember which.
I have more than a dozen. I try to cycle throught them.
8-round mags sould not be causing issues. That is, if you are having a problem, I doubt it's the "extra" round that's causing it. I have not used a 7-round mag, in a gun that will accept an 8-rounder, in about fifteen years, and other than occasional spring replacement - every two or three years of regular use - I couldn't really ask for better performance. Some guns show distinct mag "preferences", and if one brand doesn't work for you, try another. Wilson mags don't lock the slide on my gun(s), so I've been using McCormicks of every flavor and description, and they have worked well. I also like the Novak's mag, which is not a standard, 7-round tube with an extra round in it, but a dedicated 8-round design, like those from Tripp, and the new Wilson Elite. Checkmate has a new, flush-fit 8-rounder than may be the best of all, with a number of features not available on any other 8-rounder. You really have to have 8-rounders, if you want to be competitive.