ebay s*cks


New member
Just learned that ebay.com is going to stop posting aauctions for firearms. They are trying to take some sort of moral standing, however I supose pornography is now considered moral as nothing has been mentioned about that. I say we start a pro-gun auction sight. Anyone know HTML?
How about <a href="http://www.auctionarms.com/">Auction Arms</a>? Anyone ever do business there? Maybe we should...
Don't get me wrong as I have no opinion one way or the other about E-bay in general.
However, I doubt its a moral stand its a legal one...it seems to me that they may need to have an FFL or the Feds will screw them blue.

Before we get into "trial by Internet", we should consider all aspects.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
check this link out they have the story on ebay no longer auctioning firarms.
ebay doesn't need an FFL because it never has the merchandise. it only hooks up the buy and the seller. I don't see why they would need an FFL. they make money by taking a percentage of the final bid. I don't see what the risks are for ebay, they never see the firearms, they can't to liable for anything that happens because they set up the buyer and the sellermy friends mom know the people that started ebay. I'll see what I can find out
I read the link..its weeny rationalization.

Reading between the lines I'd say they were getting heat about a bunch of their "auctions" so they figured dumping guns would lessen some heat and look like they are cleaning up their act. Unfortunately, they tried to couch it moralistic terms so...GUILTY!! :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

"While we acknowlege the gun collectors and sports enthusiasts among our users, eBay takes its role as a responsible member of the online community very seriously." --Steve Westly, eBay vice president of marketing

But they have no problem selling women’s used panties?


"Oh, grow up, 007."

[This message has been edited by Q (edited February 19, 1999).]
Checked out some of the flaming E-mail going into that news site up above. It's got to be 10 to 1 against their policy.

I've been fuming all day about this ebay thing. I had really enjoyed using ebay and met some wonderful people through the auctions, but now I can't imagine myself ever going back there.
I'm looking for a new place for firearms auctions as I'm sure many now ex-ebayers are. I truly hope there is someplace that won't turn yellow in the face of anti-gun garbage the way ebay has.
Like others have mentioned, I too wonder how they justify selling pornography.
I suppose most of us saw the special on TV about a week ago regarding the on-line purchase of firearms. It is obvious that eBay is caving in to pressure from the misinformed. Such is life.

If eBay really had a social conscious, they would stop listing alcohol. I doubt they have a liquor license and it is a known fact that minors are buying booze on eBay. I know of one incident where a kid bought a bottle of wine and had it delivered to himself at school to keep his parents from finding out.
C'mon, folks:

A nice legal court decision recently held gun manufacturers liable for the careless act of a person who (apparently) wasn't even the purchaser of the gun. With THAT kind of a legal system, we need to understand why ebay caved in. Even if you are totally innocent, defending yourself costs money - a risk ebay apparently does not want to take.

So, we honor their business decision. We take our business elsewhere. We try to convince OTHERS to take their business elsewhere - publicizing ebay's sales of alcohol to minors, pornography, used women's panties, etc....

Used panties? Really? Now THAT'S gross!
Well, as Monty Python used to say, 'And, now, for something completely different...'

Two days ago I took possession of a 1972 Gold Cup .45 ACP, which I purchased through the internet. It was transferred from FFL holder to FFL holder, in complete compliance with federal and state (10 day wait in CA) regulations. It is a beautiful, if not quite as well finished as my specimens from the mid '50's and '60's, example of Colt's finest firearm.

Absolutely no problems, sent a cashier's check, had 3 day exam and refusal right, passed the background check, got my pistol without any hassle. Walt
Followed a link from TB's board and while firearms aren't allowed, an auction closed on a "Nike Ajax AA artillery Sam Guided Missle" from a seemingly regular poster, per credentials.