eBay ban of firearm sales


New member
I don't know how many of you are familiar with the internet auction house eBay. They offer a forum where you can sell or buy just about anything. Until next month that included firearms and related accessories. They have decided to close the firearms site. At the present time their reasons for doing so are vague.
There has been no mention of any serious problems with any transactions. In fact, considering the amount of press eBay has been getting recently in mainstream media I'm sure Dan Rather, et al, would have told us if someone had illegally acquired a SAM missile battery over the internet.
Based on my own observations, it seemed that everyone was thoroughly intent on complying with all levels of federal and local regulations. So I have to wonder if eBay was pressured by some "as yet unknown entity".
They will continue to allow the sale of knives and even pornography, excuse me - "erotica".
I'm sure I'm not alone in the feeling of frustration I experience every time I turn around to find some new restriction greeting me. If I were a little more cynical (and paranoid) I would suspect that "they" are trying to make me go "postal".
It isn't erotica. Pornography is what they have for auction. Some of which has been underage Traci Lords material. Subjects that are best quasilegal in the US if not illegal. There are amateur tapes without actress/actor age identification on file as required by federal law. At least one amateur tape for auction recently (MAW) is supposedly published/sold against the wishes of the female participant.

[This message has been edited by Prichard (edited February 21, 1999).]
Sadly, pornographers will always be able to bend the first amendment, no matter who they harm, in the name of "free speech."

We, on the other hand can't get our legislature to even follow the second amendment.

"Oh, grow up, 007."
A little note:

Not that I'm particularly against pornography with consenting adults for consenting adults (I feel that the Alabama law is rather silly). I just feel that attacking Ebay on such matters is valid because of their unfair position on legal firearm sales and their illogical stated reasons for that position.
gee, rich, does that mean "cornered rat" can't come to alabama with me? ;)

and, yeah... I don't have a problem with pornography with consenting adults, however, when it comes to harming other people...

ebay talking about their "standards" is a little too much BS for me.


"Oh, grow up, 007."