Eating Gunpowder.

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I was reading the caution label on a 1 lb canister of Accurate No.9 smokeless powder and it said, "if swallowed, call medical authorities if you feel unwell." I guess if you don't feel unwell, then eat away. I don't know if this applies to all powders, so please read labels and use caution. If this post needs to be moved to the reloading section, please do so.
I've heard they feed gun powder to fighting dogs, apparently makes them more aggressive,

I don't know if that was smokeless or black powder, or just a pack of lies

But I don't think I'll be taste testing it the stuff at any rate.
Can't be too careful these days with the warnings. Lawyers lurk everywhere looking for a new way to make a buck..
Black powder was used for seasoning food.

The main ingredient of black powder is still used in cured meats and sausage. I remember when the McCormick spice rack in the grocery stores included saltpeter (potassium nitrate). When my grandfather made dried sausage, he would stir in a mixture of salt, saltpeter, and black pepper to the ground meat before stuffing the sausage casings.
I get a big kick out of some of the "warnings" printed on some products....some are so stupid I ask myself....did someone really do this and then say in court ....the instructions didn't say NOT to do it.....

The Minion car windshield sun shade, it has Minions pictured on one side , reflective silver on the other. It is NOT see through ...
Warning: do not drive with sunshade in place !

New hair electric drier- WARNINGS:
Do Not Use While Bathing.
Do Not Place In Water.
If Dryer Falls In Water, Unplug, Do Not Reach In Water.
Drier To Be Used To Dry The Hair On The Head Only....What ????

That last one is for real...I'm looking at it... I never ever even considered drying any other hair!!

Chewing Cordite was a way to get out of a dirty assignment. But it does really make you sick, so it had best be a really dirty job you are dodging.
TNT is a toxic explosive, female British munitions workers were given the nickname "canary girls" from the yellow skin color they got from exposure to this chemical. It also caused liver damage, skin irritation, and cataracts.
When I was growing up, we use to feed a bit of black powder to our hunting dogs to rid them of worms.

It work and didnt make them any more aggressive.
"When I was growing up, we use to feed a bit of black powder to our hunting dogs to rid them of worms.

It work and didnt make them any more aggressive."

Of course it worked. The worms would find that they finally had what they needed to load ammunition, and would end up shooting it out and killing each other.
"...Black powder was used for seasoning food..." Whoever told you that is very confused.
Saltpeter(potassium nitrate) is and always has been used as a preservative. Not as a seasoning though. Salt was mined and made via salt water evaporation for that.
"...on old meat past its prime..." That's a myth. So's the one about KNO3 being added to soldier's food to reduce their libido.
The only people in the Middle Ages who had a meat based diet were the nobility. The peasants were not permitted to hunt.
"The only people in the Middle Ages who had a meat based diet were the nobility. The peasants were not permitted to hunt."

Chickens, pigs, sheep, rabbits, and cows were all domesticated, and raised, for food and related products.

It's a myth that peasants didn't eat meat. Yes, their diets were primarily vegetable based, but they did eat meat.
Sea stories (wet navy, wind powered) have fairly recently discovered "Banyan Days" alternate days when the crew got no meat, not even salt pork. Didn't seem to be on Horatio Hornblower's menu, but it is on Alan Lewrie's.
Please perma-ban Garry Griffiths for that pun.
Or elevate to admin.
I'm not really sure which is a suitable response.

I faintly remember some old codger telling me a pinch of black powder was good in a glass of whiskey. Though, this was right after he returned with the younger ones he had taken on a snipe hunt.
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