Easy Saturday afternoon


New member
Well, I missed the Nebraska opening weekend of pheasant and quail seasons for the first time in over 20 years. Wound up in the hospital unexpectedly on fri. the 28th, not released until the afternoon of the 30th. Limited mobility most of the week. Anyway on sat. the 5th (yesterday) I figured I better get out for a little while to see if I'm even going be in any kind of shape to get around much for deer hunting next weekend.
So, I load up my golden retriever Toby, and my Lanber o/u and head out to a 1/4 that the wife and I own. Decent dryland farm ground rotated through beans, corn and alfafa. Not much for cover on it though, just a couple of single row cedar winderbreaks and one fenceline that has some plum thickets scattered along its length. Wasn't expecting to see much, but this is okay loafing cover for midday, and easy walking which was my main concern. They fly in from the neighboring CRP fields to feed, and then hang out after. I didn't want to tackle a CRP 1/4 or 1/2 section of chest high switchgrass, really just needed to see how much I could walk without too much pain.
We did put several roosters in the air, unfortunately, they all managed to come up on the wrong side of the cedars, bad thing about hunting this alone. We also busted a couple of coveys of quail. Quail have been kind of scarce for the last several years due to a hard winter we had that really knocked the population down, but they are making a comeback to the point that I will shoot them now. I didn't for about three years. Anyway, I hit my limit, and only missed one. Did knock one down that we couldn't find.
Anyway, it was a nice and easy Saturday afternoon.
