easy access

Beretta Boy

New member
I'm looking for help finding a way to leave my gun locked up safely, but still easily, and QUICKLY accessible if needed. There are many kids in and out of this house, so safety is crucial, but of course speed is too. Is that redundant? Anyway, as of right now, I sleep with my gun sitting out in my room, and lock it up every morning, but am not completely satisfied with this. During the day, it would take me considerable time to get to it locked in the case it came in. What should I do?

"...you're thinkin was that 5 shots or was it 6? Well, you've gotta ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky??? ...Well, do ya PUNK!?!?
I feel your pain, Beretta Boy.
Been thinking about one of those Mossberg bedside safe boxes. $200, OUCH! I stopped keeping a loaded gun around the house until I make a decision on a good way to secure my handgun. The more I read and think about the home defense problem, the more I believe in keeping the gun on your person during the day. Otherwise, unload it and lock it up. But while I'm sleeping, a pistol, light and cell phone kept securely in a nightstand safe would help me get my ZZZZZZZ's.
The safes at http://www.handgunsafe.com/price.htm are almost all under $200, and that's direct from the manufacturer. If dealers stock them, they might have lower prices. I dunno. I like the quick-opening features. There are trigger locks, of course, but I don't know if I trust them. You have to put them in the trigger area of a loaded gun, and if the kids want to they can still play with the gun with the trigger lock in place. That should be safe, but if they ever found it without the lock for some reason, they'd be used to playing with it.
I know this is all unlikely if you train the kids correctly, just playing devil's advocate. Actually, there was one trigger lock I considered--it's a BIG clumsy thing, bright orange, with LARGE lighted buttons. I don't know the brand name, but if you go to gun shows you've probably already seen it. Good luck.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Hey, is anybody else watching that shooting show on TNN? They just showed a device I haven't seen yet--called a Bore Lock, it's a lock that you insert in the barrel of a revolver and it reaches down through the barrel and an empty chamber, which freezes the action. This is a great idea--completely goes around my concerns about putting a trigger lock inside the trigger guard.
They claim it works for for semi-autos too. I don't understand how, but I'll take their word for it. I may have to get one of these.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Here's what I would do:

Lock it up when you're gone.

Wear it when you're home.

Keep it by the bed when you're asleep.


Nehemiah 4:18 " ... and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked."
Cpt. John Park:
I think that is a good idea, I pretty much do that already though. I think I may put off my next gun purchase in order to buy one of those expensive quick release style single gun safes. If I understand correctly, you just hit a combination of the numbers on the pad at the same time and the top pops up revealivg your pistol. But it is a heavy steel case, looks very nice. Seems like you could get inside of it almost as fast as if the gun were in your nightstand. (I would keep it sitting on the shelf of my headboard)

As for the bore lock, I don't think what I have is the same thing, but my Beretta came with a Master lock with a cable that can go through the barrel, and then loop back to lock in place. It's a cable made just like the old ones I used to lock my bike up with, only it comes around and attaches via a brass connector to a regular style master lock body.... if that makes sense to ANYONE, then I will be lucky... But it is a little clumsy and hard to get out in a timely matter.

Anyway, keep any ideas coming that you can. I would really like NOT to spend a few hundred on a lock for my gun, when I could buy ANOTHER gun, but hey... if I have to I have to... for safety's sake.

"...you're thinkin was that 5 shots or was it 6? Well, you've gotta ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky??? ...Well, do ya PUNK!?!?
I know what you're talking about, BB. My dad has several of those, they used to come with every new Mossberg shotgun. They're pretty cool, but with this borelock you just turn the key, yank, aim, pull the trigger. You don't have to pop it apart like most trigger locks, and the weapon can be ready to fire unlike cable locks. Cable locks are certainly a good way to store the gun, though. I think carrying as much as possible is the best way that's been suggested (besides, what if the gun is in the bedroom when somebody tries to come after you in your backyard?) and I'll be doing that too once I'm in my own place. Right now I live in a dorm and because I'm an RA, people come for help at all hours. I'd be expelled if one of them made me with a gun.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
You're right, that sounds alot faster(bore lock) than mine. I have been practicing carrying mine around the house, just to get the feel of it. I'll let ya know if I find anything else...

"...you're thinkin was that 5 shots or was it 6? Well, you've gotta ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky??? ...Well, do ya PUNK!?!?