Eastfield 916A


Hello eveyone,
I have an old Eastfied 916A 12 gauge from the 1970's that is in need of a stock replacement. Just wondering if any of the after market synthetics or folding stocks would fit on this gun. Still shoots fine, and have never had a problem with it. Thanks for any info.
This gun was actually designed and may have been produced for S&W by Noble. Numrich bought the parts from S&W and still handles them. The gun was basically a disaster and was abandoned by S&W. Gunsmiths hated them because you could repair one and the thing would fail in short order and the customer would want it fixed for nothing. There are many still out there that have never given a problem but I wouldn't trust my life to one. Get you a factory stock from Numrich, lube yours up and count your blessings. Here endeth the lesson . Goatwhiskers the Elder