Eastern WA Rifle Only Range

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New member
I'm looking at a large chunk of property in E. WA that is commercial zoned and am putting together a list of items to start a rifle only range that can give shooters an up to 2000 yard target. To minimize trash and waste it would be steel only targets.

The Ravensdale/Black Diamond range has what, a 600 yard max? The other true 1650 yard range is outside Spokane. I'm looking west of Vantage, east of the river is all farm and cattle.

I have designed my backstops with bullet catchers and it will be a membership only range. There will be 8-12 covered slots for 100 yards, 4 slots for each of the following 250,500,750 and 1000 yards. Just 2 for 1500 and 2 for 2000 to start.

I have considered a caliber limit based on distance so your not trying to push your gun further than its actual ammo limits allow. Thus not hogging time on a slot that shooters with the proper rifles can take advantage of. Factory ammo only unless you belong to a comp team with a proven record and then the use of handloads would be permitted. Entrance to each area will need a key code to open the gate.

Memberships will be tiered like most ranges with the only difference would be some 1 months would be discounted during hunting season for hunters to zero in their rifles.

Pistol Range, there will be one but its going to be a mixed use of private and for instructor use, possible 2-3 gun comps etc.

I will be living on site but the range will run itself. I'm looking to open this primarily for long range shooters, their instructors and for comp use. I've found people of that calibre to be professional therefore they can manage their time and pack out what they pack in.

To the Long Range Shooter...I was planning to have semi open range units that allow either a prone position and sitting at a bench per slot with two people max, you and your spotter. In the prone position do you prefer to lay on the ground or would a slightly raised floor position be okay so as to not have rocks and such poking you thru your shooting blanket?
Make suggestions please.

If you break the rules at any level, your membership will be banned for one year and every range in the state will be notified of the infraction and its up to them if you can use theirs.

That aside I mostly will not have an RO nor will I have meetings once a month. I would probably have a meet and greet every six months and were out there to enjoy ourselves so NRA Membership is not required since they tend to spam members asking for money constantly...its annoying.

I was a Contractor so security will be tight and their will be cams with night vision.

Lastly, if you have suppressors use them. Depending on who my neighbors are and what they do there may be days were closed to use because of them. At which point the main gate will be locked and have a barrier across it.
I'm not understanding the restriction against handloads.
Sure, your house, your rules, but my main interest for long range shooting is BPCR.
I load .45-70 with black powder using my cast 550 grain bullets. No factory loads around for that.
The Rattlesnake range in Benton county has a 1,000 yard range area. I've never personally used it, but I know they have one.
I have considered a caliber limit based on distance so your not trying to push your gun further than its actual ammo limits allow.
OK, so you're going to be the ammo sheriff? No thanks. You're basically saying I can't shoot my 7X57 at 1,000 yds because you think it can't make it that far? I can't shoot my 22LR at 200 yds because you think that's not right? No thanks.
I have designed my backstops with bullet catchers and it will be a membership only range.
Hope you're an engineer with a bunch of liability insurance. There's a reason people go to big design firms and buy standard design products.
were out there to enjoy ourselves so NRA Membership is not required since they tend to spam members asking for money constantly...its annoying
Not using the expertise and resources available from just about any organization, you are basically saying you want to do it all yourself and make all the mistakes along the way. The NRA asks for money because of everything they do for shooters. Choosing who you like is your business, but asking to pay more to do it silly.
Memberships will be tiered like most ranges with the only difference would be some 1 months would be discounted during hunting season for hunters to zero in their rifles.
Most ranges have annual or life memberships. If you open it up for hunter sight-in, you would do better to charge a moderate fee for use of the facilities rather than extend member benefits for someone who just wants to shoot 1 day a year. The inexperienced shooters are the ones that really mess up a range.
I will be living on site but the range will run itself.
Huge liability if you don't have trained ROs for peak use times.
I'm looking to open this primarily for long range shooters, their instructors and for comp use. I've found people of that calibre to be professional therefore they can manage their time and pack out what they pack in.
People do things because it's expected of them. No one to tell them to pack it out, some won't and you'll be out there cleaning it up. Seen this one.
In the prone position do you prefer to lay on the ground or would a slightly raised floor position be okay so as to not have rocks and such poking you thru your shooting blanket?
Hard floors are nice, covered areas are nice. And it's called a shooter's mat, not a blanket.
Factory ammo only unless you belong to a comp team with a proven record and then the use of handloads would be permitted.
Well, so much for your competitive shooters. Every competitive shooter I know uses handloads tailored to ther rifle, whether they are members of a team or not.
If you break the rules at any level, your membership will be banned for one year and every range in the state will be notified of the infraction and its up to them if you can use theirs.
Better lawyer up for that one. Defamation suits are ugly.
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seems like the only disagreeable rule you missed was claiming my brass is yours if it lands on your ground. No, Thank you.
Since you were a contractor you should be aware of the numerous permits you will need for construction, are you aware of the environmental permits and approvals you will need for a rifle range?

Among others is a "Lead abatement plan" (acceptable to the state EPA) and various noise restrictions, including (as I understand it) permission from all "neighbors" (probably with a mile), and also the range will probably be considered a business, with the various licenses (and taxes) involved in that, as well.

If you are well heeled enough to fund all that, and able to wait the (possibly) years before seeing any kind of return on your investment, at all, go ahead and I wish you luck with your endeavors.

Also be aware of the (currently remote) possibility that in some future your range might be declared a "terrorist training facility" (because people use guns there), and be shut down.

We are not living in the best of times for shooting sports, unfortunately.
OP, I wish you well in your ventures. However, I have think that you would do well to spend some time shooting with the people you want to use your range.

I think you will find that most of the folks who would be interested in membership in regular long range shooting wouldn't be interested if they can't use their own loads.

I'm curious: what is the reason for that restriction?

Incidentally, there is a range near me that I am a member of that runs similar to how you want yours to run. It might be worth a look at their setup:

I'm looking at a large chunk of property in E. WA that is commercial zoned and am putting together a list of items to start a rifle only range that can give shooters an up to 2000 yard target.

Sincerely wishing you best of luck and success. A mess of rules and regulations to address but it makes me happy anytime the shooting sports are promoted. That "lead abatement" regulation would sure be a surprise. Looks like you've received a lot of good input.
The factory load unless a proven shooter is there because, there are idiots in every sport just because you shoot a wildcat or rare ammo doesn't mean your aren't going over a max load. So if you end up blowing your gun apart and hurting yourself or the people around you would be on me because I let you.

If your a comp shooter why wouldn't you be a member of an organization that promotes it.

There are other options besides the NRA, I can think of at least 5 not counting the actual shooting organizations.

So if you cant pick up your trash...does that mean your car and house are a mess too?

I could care less about your brass or steel with the costs of that stuff going up and the shortages of it too. If its laying there its yours...take all of whatever you see. On the topic or AP Ammo...why would you want to ruin my plates or backstops?

I have researched just about everything and would probably sell the memberships either online or discounted thru a local shop or shops.

The handloads thing is simple just because you can do it and have done it for years doesn't mean there isn't someone that 1 in 100 person who screws it up and gets hurt and guess who gets blamed for letting them use the range to try it out and its it hurts others, who gets sued for it???

The RO would be offered to local LEO's or certified instructors and in doing so waived of membership for helping.

Behind every backstop will be mounded dirt like several others I have been to.

Lastly, if it doesn't work out, so be it I have a private range for friends and family.

Like anything, nobody is twisting your arm to use the range or buy a membership. Every place has rules...
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The factory load unless a proven shooter is there because, there are idiots in every sport just because you shoot a wildcat or rare ammo doesn't mean your aren't going over a max load. So if you end up blowing your gun apart and hurting yourself or the people around you would be on me because I let you.

I've never even seen a range that wouldn't let me shoot my own loads.

Good luck
It's always funny when people make grand plans before knowing the first thing about what their plan entails. Pro-tip: If you want to own a range, start with an existing one.
I used a state range for some years and just built my own . Now i spend a lot of time shooting and not looking out for people trying to shoot me . The things i have seen at the state range is unreal . My home Range is open to friends and family about any time . As for rules i have some number one pickup your mess and two don,t shoot my steel targets with Rifles . I live in the country and in a good size woods . I have people i know show up to be ready for hunting and i enjoy the time spent just watching the kids learn from there father .
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