Earth First's Motto... an idea ???


New member
" Think Globally ; Act Locally " its Earth First's motto that a friend reminded me of , but it really fits our situation...
If the local Sheriff ( the highest Constitutional officer ) of a community will not order the disarming of a county, and calls out his " posse comitatus " then the rest of the state is in deep doodoo...
If each of the states governors forbid the disarming of their Sovereign Citizens , then the rest of the nation is in deep doodoo ; and if all the states do likewise, we do in fact have our republic back !!! and the rest of the world is in deep doo doo !!!

Also if the anti American, anti Constitution legal/legislative types are tried and found guilty of treason, and punished accordingly , then there will be few who will be so willing to go against the Constitution ever again !!!!

Another thought from this feeble old mind ..
If we are members of a 'gun culture' then aren't we afforded the same protections of civil rights of any other minority.... they are in fact denying us our civil rights !!!!!

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
Menos. After may 26, 1999, at one minute after midnight, Bill Clinton became a war criminal, just as much as Milosavec. His 60 days to wage war had run out, and the Congress did not give him permission, or funding to continue.
Thirty one Senators filed suit in Federal court to have him arrested and tried for war crimes. The damn judge threw it out, because the whole Senate did not file the charges.
What gives? Is slick Willie the Antichrist or something? How in hell does he get away with what he is doing?
Menos. I agree. Let's charge them all with
treason, and if they are found guilty, death penalty, just like the Rosenbergs.
Paul B.
Ya know, I keep going back and forth on this one. Is slick some super smart master planner, or is he just some stooge and puppet for someone else pulling the strings? One thing for sure, he is up to no good. His entire administration is so much like the Capone mob it's uncanny. Where else besides the Dallas Cowboys can you find so many felons gathered in one place? I agree it's time someone stood up and called for charges of treason to be brought against him and all of his dirty bunch.


I emailed Senator Inhofe, who made a 30-minute speech reviling Comrade Clinton, and reminded him that there's no double-jeopardy clause concerning impeachment. IOW, drag Willie out of the Oval Office and put him up on 270,000,000 charges of attempted murder.

I also reminded him of Amendment XIV, Section 3... the one that states that traitors may not hold public office.

No reply, but since I'm not an Okie, I didn't expect one. Hopefully whoever monitors his email won't just chuckle and delete the message.

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
Well, gents.... They will probably have to be tried by a Citizens Court in the absence of a viable court system that will uphold the Constitution, and then the sentencing would be carried out by the militia. Their is unfortunately little hope of reclaiming our Republic from the int'l elitists without shedding blood... after all they kill Presidents and wage war ad lib , so what makes you think that they will give in? They have all sorts of lackeys to do their bidding, and we only have ourselves to carry the load.

The real shame is that we can still have a great country , economy and be a world leader without being a fascist statist 'democracy' , its just that the greedy want it all every last drop of profit from the sweat of our brow, or that of some dictatorship and their hapless people. Makes me sick !

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?