Earth First wack job advocates overthrow of Govt


New member
and a ban on all private ownership. Read here.

Do we need to dismantle the infrastructure of industrial civilization, or do we need to overthrow the political systems that run it? The answer is yes. Do we need to battle the armed forces that defend private property or do we need to stop producing and consuming commodities? Absolutely.

We need to shift from agriculture to horticulture, and eventually hunting and foraging. We need to expose and reject the culture of lies. We need to transform exploitative social relations. We need to demolish the dominant economy and build localized, sustainable gift economies.

So here is my question-

If you ban ownership of land, then how are you planning on keeping your food that you just grew under your espoused horticulture economy?

These are the whack jobs that are a part of the eco-movement. Welcome to Earth.

This sounds like a lemon flavored twist to the old worn out socialist ideas. But even the communist elite would gag on this stuff.
Socialist dribble at best.

The Eco-earth types have all the answers to 'saving the earth' and all of them are anti-society as we know it today. Their end justifies their means and if they destroy private, or public, property to gain their 'means' they consider that their 'right'.

Kooks is too kind a work to describe them in my mind.
I love absolute single answers to either/or questions. :rolleyes:

"Did you read this message today or did you kill your wife?"

Most so-called enviro-activists can't see where they're going without unzipping their pants.
Yep, these clowns think that they can make universal utopianistic communism work, even when every Communist society since the rise of the Soviet Union has had horrific problems feeding its population when all of the land was owned by the state.

In the 1930s people were starving under Stalin. Food production was at historic lows.

The Soviets decided to allow the peasants to own small plots as long as they continued to toil on the collective farms.

Food production skyrocketed, and virtually all of it came from the small plots.
I think that the poster should be dropped off in the wilds with a knife and spear and a bow. Maybe the beasties will teach her about the laws of nature.

I sometimes wonder what the hezze these folks are thinking when they advocate the abolition of private lands. When they pick up food in the supermarket to make a meal dont they think about all that has to happen from the seeds being planted to food getting to the shelf? When you have billions of hungry mouths to feed the old communal farm concept isnt going to cut the mustard. It is a proven failure.
Interesting thought...

Why is it that in most all cases (exceptions to every rule..) These people who propose banning land live in apartments in some big city. Very few actualy own or rent land. Sounds to my like they are too lazy to get off their a** and buy land so they think if they don't noone else should either.
In the 1930s people were starving under Stalin. Food production was at historic lows.

I dont know that that was so much the result of the political system qua system vis a vis Stalins policies

WildjustanasideAlaska TM
Interestingly, the Pilgrims tried communism. It failed even when tried by people that it should have worked with. Who else would seem to care more about the collective than a religious group?

Those that profess communist concepts must not have a very good grasp of human nature and the natural disposition of themselves. The concepts sound real good. Those same concepts are impractical.

No one takes better care of anything that doesn't truly belong to them. Rental properties are almost always in disrepair and in need of supervision.
For those that like to control others it is a good situation, for those that like to make their own decisions is isn't so good.

When one man is given one apple for his work on a tree farm and finds that because one man is married and gets to have 4 apples, due to having a wife and 2 kids, the single man begins to resent his lack of reward for equal work. Once this occurs there begins a lack of motivation. When there is a lack of motivation there is a lack of production, with the lack of production comes a reduction in economy and a lowering of life style. Then the cycle of economic failure begins.

Communism is very successful at one thing in the end. It spreads misery equally quite well. After all there is much truth in misery loving company, it even has a political system to help spread itself. Communism even has a nice sheep suit called socialism.

Given enough time the U.S.S.R. wanted to become a true communist land. I guess those Soviet Socialists just didn't have enough time to get there, or maybe it was because once a small group of people wields power over the greater whole, they will not relinquish it for the betterment of the greater whole. Human nature at it's predictable best.

Take away the incentive for individual achievement and the rewards inherent to that achievement and you begin the path to collective failure. Let Hilliary get into office and get Universal Health Care started. Watch what happens to the private medical sector and private business as a whole. New name same old tired concept. Will people ever learn?
Self-interest is the biggest productive force in human history by far, and any political system that does not recognize this fact is doomed to failure.

Someone else pointed out that you'll have few people tilling fields and planting food crops when other people are just going to come in and seize the food. Like the saying goes, a system that has the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need" greatly discourages ability and encourages need.
I can only imagine the shock this person will feel when she realizes that personal possessions and capitalism are what allowed her to have a computer and an internet on which to post her sophomoric rantings.
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