Early Fathers Day Mosin


New member
Heading to Rapid City for another reason, stopped and picked up the mail finding a flyer for Cabelas. They are having a sale on Mosin 91/30 , $100 bucks ($99.99).

Got to Cabelas and found out the sale dosnt start until the 10th, but being the whinner I am I whinned until they let me have it at the early sales price.

Excellant looking rifle, Nice shinny bore, all matching serial numbers and the nice accersaries, Bayonet, Cleaning gear, oiler, sling, pouch, the works (according to the manual).

I cant post a picture because wifey took the camera on a road trip.

There may be better prices out there but the only ones I've seen around here were junk priced at about $250.

Problem is I couldnt find any brass in Rapid City, and the russian ammo they are selling isn't boxer primed. I picked up two boxes of winchester white box and a set of dies.

Cleaning tonight, shooting tomorrow.

Maybe you Mosin fans can tell me if I got a good deal or not. The Bayonet is a poking bayonet, not a cutting one, dont know what its good for.
Hey Kraig,

Congratulations in your new purchase. 91/30s are fun, rugged rifles to own and $100 for one in good condition is what I would consider a fair deal, especially if all that is found in your area are priced at twice or more the price.

Is your 91/30 a round or hex receiver?, maybe an ex-sniper rifle? getting a little more detailed description can give everyone a general sense for what kind of value you got.

Overall, the MN is a great historical rifle to own and relatively cheap to shoot. It has great range in the hands of a marksman (which from what I understand you definitely are). Reloading the 7.62x54R cartridge should be a fun project and there is always plenty of surplus ammo to be had if desired.

If you haven't already, I would recommend you check out http://www.7.62x54r.net. There is a great deal of useful information and resources available there.

Have fun, enjoy your early father's day and your new rifle! oh yeah, and share your pics when available. :D
Its a round receiver.

Thanks for the link.

I'll probably just reload for it. I have a couple thousand pulled 173s that should work in this thing.

In Sept I'm suppose to attend the GSM Master Instructor Course (ventage rifle) at Perry, I just might drag this rifle along.
Hey kraigwy - haven't seen your byline in a while.

While some Mosins are more "collectible" than others, a fully accessorized run-of-the-mill 91/30 for $100 is a good deal. Pre-war would be even better since the machining tends to be better. Obviously, a good bore is desirable. But I doubt you'll find any "jackpot" Mosins at Cabelas for $100 - they've passed through too many hands at that point for an ex-Dragoon or ex-sniper to be likely.
It's a great weapon. Looks awkward, the rounds look huge, but once you have it up to the shoulder,,,,,,,,,,,,:D magic. Mine will drive tacks at 100 yard with iron sights. Only rifle I can shoot iron sights and hit target (:( bifocals). The rear sight is far enough away I can see it without any ghost images. The only rpoblem I see with owning one is after a few hundred rounds your goona want the sniper variation.
I picked one up at the Cabela's in Sidney, NE before the sale.
It's a nice one, 1938 Tula, all the accessories, good bore, good wood, etc.
It was one of the display models.
They were going to get me "one in the box from the back".
I told 'em, no, this is the one I want.:D
One thing about those old Mosins, you need to look it over pretty good, some are in better shape than others.
One thing about those old Mosins, you need to look it over pretty good, some are in better shape than others

I agree, I went through about a dozen until I found one with a barrel that looked like it had never been fired.

Cant wait to try it in a Ventage Rifle Match. (If I don't shoot it out first)