Ear Protection


New member
I wanted everyone's opinions on ear protection. I currently use Winchester SXT protection, but there are big and bulky due to being double protecteion and good for up to 26 decibels. My question is- what are some cheap alternatives to the big and bulky ones- and are they needed?
cheap and effective

I always use those little squishy foam ones in conjunction with my winchester ear muffs. Yes its bulky but it works great. You may find some muffs that don't have the double protection and are less bulky, but add a pair of the squishy ones to your set up and voila good protection and less bulky.

BTW I don't know if squishy is really a word but that is the best way to describe them:0)
I think im going to stick with the double protection winchester's- there bulky but seem to be worth the protection.