EAA Bounty Hunter .45?


New member
Any of you guys shot one? Any opinions on them? I read a magazine article a while back that gave them a pretty decent review (what guns don't they give a good review to when there is a full page ad somewhere in the rag) Anyway, a local dealer has one for around $270, decent price or not? It would mostly be just to have a cowboy gun for plinkin, I have never owned a s.a. revolver. Cowboy action shoots sound like a lot of fun, but I haven't heard of any near my location.
Howdy Bergie,

Bounty Hunters are decent pistols,and at that price are a pretty good bargain. You may want to look around for a used Ruger Vaquero,which you may be able to find at a comparable price.

As far as matches near you,your profile doesn't say where you're located,but if you go to The Single Action Shooting Society Homepage and click on the link for Affiliated Clubs,you can check for a match in your location.

Bellicose Bill
Thanks Bill, I was hoping to get a couple of opinions, but it looks like there are a lot more questions being asked in this forum than there are people with answers. ;)

I have checked the SASS page and it would be close to a 3 hour drive to get to the nearest affiliated club. :(

Haven't seen any used Vaqueros around these parts at any price.
Sorry Bergie. :D Well, if it helps I think it sounds like a fairly good deal. Southern Ohio Guns were offering SAA clones in .45 LC/4.75" recently for $219. Given that a dealer would have to cough up shipping and then make a buck or two on the deal it would work out real close to that figure without him getting rich off of you. There was another out fit, whose name escapes me, offering the same guns in nickle for $249. I thought about a set just for "shucks & grins" to have around as extra toys. Studies have shown that one can not own too many single actions.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Howdy Bergie!

I own a EAA bounty Hunter in .45 in Nickel...it is an Accurate gun. It does have some problems however.... The loading gate needed to be tightend up, the barrel Lapped due to excessive leading and the ejector underlug would lossen up durring firing ( this was solved by some "Gun-Tight" by the compony that makes "Lock-Tight". My Gunsmith fixed those other problems. For some reason They advertised a 7 and a half inch barrel and it came with a six and a half...no problem the gun hits DOWNED bowling pins at 50 yards! ( I wanted the 7.5 cause'I know that the ol' Colt sights were maximised at a 7.5" barrel at 25 yards but this gun shot like the dickens regardless!)

Expect a few glitches with a gun this cheap. (Btw my trusty gun-smith says Rugers need trigger jobs, my trigger is SWEEET, but make sure to check that out before you buy...also mine was FIRST PRODUCTION run...so it is possable they worked those problems out...but don't count on it!).

Another intresting note is that mine was made in Germany by Wienrach...has all the nitro proof marks...perfect it aint but it is good for the money! ( Oh yah get the nickel....rust is your enemy!)

:cool: IZZY
Izzy have you experienced any trouble with the nickel flaking off the cylinder face?


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
I have not experianced any Nickel flake...but I havent shot it all that much...the plating seems o.k. for a cheap pistol ( though now that I think about it does have some silght brazing marks on the part were the front sight attaches to the barrel... but this does not appear to compromise the finnish...) I ordered my gun and did not actually get a chance to fondle the babe before laying down the smack...so if you want to be prudent inssist on seeing the specimine in question...

Still happy I have a shooter for under 300 greenbacks!

:cool: IZZY
Bergie, you may try contacting the folks at the SASS club closest to you to see if any closer clubs exist. In Kentucky, there is only one SASS club listed. Which is my club. But there are seven cowboy clubs shooting in the state. Problem is the $1 million liability insurance keeps a lot of clubs from joining SASS. But that doesn't mean there isn't some club shooting near you. May be worth further investigation.
Izzy I didn't want you to think I was casting stones at your "cheap" single action. (I know it didn't sound as though you took it that way. I just wanted to make sure.) The reason I asked was because I have a Smith & Wesson that the nickle flaked off the cylinder face and was concerned with this on the EAA. After reading the post here I think I will pick up a pair just for a spare set to have around when the money permits me to do so. Thanks for the info.
Bergie, my apologies for asking questions on your thread, but hey, you said you weren't getting any responses. :D


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.

Not only are S&Ws guilty of having the nickle come off,but Colt SAAs are notorious for that particular flaw.

Bellicose Bill