E-mail Maryland's AG

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I did e-mail them and identified myself as a cop and told them that the State Police Cease Fire Unit was a joke. Thought for sure I would be in the Chief's office this morming. Good so far.

When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.
This is the letter I sent:

Dear Mr. Attorney General:
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your new proposed gun control laws. I think that it's fitting for Maryland to lead the way in proving that more gun laws will not solve the problems out there, and that creating a gun-free feeding ground for criminals will probably move them out of my State to a place that they needn't worry about the individual citizen protecting themselves.

Additionally, I think it exciting that Maryland will show the world all new sorts of ways that the suicidal can remove themselve from this planet; that rapists can be free to attack unarmed women; and support the statisics of Florida, that has definitively proven, that once a state becomes a "shall issue" state, that violent crime diminishes, and that the elderly can be a little safer in their own homes.

Furthermore, you have conclusively shown that I should not be driving in Maryland, and for my personal protection, I thank you. If the State Government needs to compare guns - something you youself state as "designed to kill" - against cars - which are designed as transportation - in terms of deaths, then I can only conclude that the drivers of Maryland are definitively in need of more training than gun owners. Having 3 children, I can again only offer my thanks, and a suggestion that you teach all Marylanders safer driving techniques, hence lowering traffic fatalities. Or, perhaps you can pass legislation to create "Smart Car" technology to prevent cars from gratuitously driving themselves into daycare centers and schoolyards?

May sir, I inquire how someone, and I quote, "with a known propensity for violence or mental instability and no experience whatsoever in operating a handgun..." does not HAVE a crimial record? Would that not be within your purview as AG to assure that these people are put into the system so that it is KNOWN?

In closing, I can only thank you one final time for convincing me that Maryland is one State that I could never and would never live in.

Joseph A. Gerardi
there was a shooting in DC yesterday

Grandfather & grandson were shot

looked like 15 9mm rounds into windshield & door

gee i thought handguns were illegal in DC

I would not bother to e-mail Mr. Curran; you will not change his mind. Instead, send snail mail (e-mail is often ignored) letters to the newspapers. They will print some of them just to pretend to be "fair". Send even to Wash. Post and Balto. Sun. Send to local papers like the Frederick News-Post, Hagerstown Herald, etc.

Keep letter short. Express views rationally. Hit hard on how such a law could be enforced, and who are the "special class of people" he would exempt. Say that past experience indicates African-Americans, Hispanics and women will not be allowed to own guns. Mention handguns once, but keep using the term "guns"; if the hunters think Curran is after their Parker doubles, they will be out in force.

And be sure to connect Curran's ban with Glendening's proposals. "Da Guv's" ideas are obviously another step towards a ban on all guns.

Talking to Curran is like posting here - it is a waste of time. Get the word to the uncommitted who might be thinking it's a good idea.

I just wrote a 12 page letter to the AG and the Gov. I downloaded the whole report and read/skimmed most of it. You would be shocked. It essentially ghostwritten by Handgun Control.The biggest load of propaganda i've read in as long as i can remember. So F----G DEPRESSING. If there were only a way, This guy should be recalled immediately.... he is the worst example of a bleeding heart whining do gooder you can imagine. You can download the report from the link to the press release posted above.
This is the Baltimore Sun's story. This guy has been tilting at windmills for decades:

For Atty General, battle over gun control nothing new

In the fall of 1988, Maryland
Attorney General J. Joseph
Curran Jr. ventured into gun
country in St. Mary's County
with an unpopular message.

Delivering a speech he would
make countless times that
fall, Curran tried to sell a
mostly hostile audience on
the state's ban on Saturday
night special weapons,
passed that year by the
General Assembly but still
needing ratification by the

"They were hooting at Joe. He got a lot of catcalls and all the
rest," recalled Vincent DeMarco, a former assistant attorney
general who was with Curran that night.

"But he stood his ground," DeMarco said, "and made a good case and
convinced some people. Not everyone -- but there will always be
some unconvincibles."

For Curran, 68, battling the "unconvincibles" over gun control has
been a passion for more than 30 years.

Yesterday, he took the debate to a new extreme with his call for
stricter gun-control laws, including an eventual ban on the
private ownership of handguns.

Curran became one of a tiny number of elected officials around
the country favoring such a ban -- prompting sharp criticism from
pro-gun advocates and polite disagreements with his usual allies
on gun control who suggest Curran has gone too far.

"I think at this time, it's a nonstarter," Gov. Parris N. Glendening
said bluntly. "We've got to be realistic."

Somewhat obscured by the uproar over the handgun ban proposal
was Curran's 58-page report -- called "A Farewell to Arms" --
that lays out a sweeping state and federal agenda for ending
America's "culture of guns."

In the report, Curran proposed changes that would give Maryland
the toughest gun laws in the nation -- such as providing police
powers to investigate illegal gun purchases and putting
significant restrictions on a person seeking a gun permit.

"Imagine an inner city where mothers no longer keep children
from playing outside for fear of drive-by shootings," Curran wrote
in his report. "As a grandfather, I am ready to say enough children
have died."

That kind of idealistic sentiment built around proposals such as a
handgun ban might be politically untenable in the Maryland of
1999, but it is vintage Curran, his admirers say.

"Joe Curran deeply believes that government must do all it can to
protect society, and particularly children, from the scourges of
guns and tobacco," said DeMarco, who has lobbied with Curran in
Annapolis on both issues. "There's no other way to explain it."

But gun-rights advocates do have another way.

"He's an elitist, plain and simple," said John Josselyn, lobbyist for
the Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore.

"He is now advocating the destruction of the Constitution,"
Josselyn added. "Therefore he is no longer fit to hold office."

Curran was no stranger to guns when he was first elected to the
legislature in 1958, having handled a .45-caliber handgun and an
M-1 rifle in the Air Force.

But as a legislator, he said it was clear to him that gun-control
advocates had better arguments than their opponents. In the
1960s and 1970s, he said, he became dismayed by the steady
increase of violent crime in Baltimore.

"I just became more and more convinced that less is better when
it comes to guns," said Curran, who is in his 13th year as attorney
general and his 41st in public service.

During that time, Curran had a hand in passing all of the state's
gun-control laws, beginning in 1966 with a landmark measure
that licensed gun dealers and made a seven-day waiting period
before the purchase of a weapon mandatory.

In 1972, Curran was head of the Senate committee that handled a
bill putting tough restrictions on people seeking permits to carry
handguns in public.

His feelings about guns were only buttressed four years later,
when his father, Councilman J. Joseph Curran Sr., suffered a heart
attack brought on by a man who fired at him with a handgun in
Baltimore City Hall during a spree that killed a city councilman
and wounded four other people.

"Here was an unstable man who had a gun," Curran said. "How could
that happen?"

Curran said his father, a city councilman for 20 years, never
really recovered from the heart attack. He died 11 months after
the shooting.

"If he didn't have a gun, I might still have a father," Curran said.

In the mid-1980s, Curran, then lieutenant governor, led the
opposition to a group seeking to undo a court decision that
allowed lawsuits against gun manufacturers.

He left perhaps his biggest mark in 1988, when, as attorney
general, he was the impetus behind the ban on Saturday night

Curran lobbied heavily for the measure and dispatched DeMarco
from his office to the legislative trenches every day.

Despite being outspent 10-to-1 during the ensuing referendum
campaign, Curran and other state leaders secured an
overwhelming victory for the ban on Election Day, making
Maryland the first state to enact such a law.

He notes with wistfulness that at least one of the proposals he
presented yesterday -- requiring a much more rigorous procedure
for gun licensing -- is one he first made in 1972.

"You just keep trying," Curran said.

Curran took a modest step backward yesterday, saying that while
he favors a ban on private ownership of handguns, he is not calling
for Americans to turn in their guns.

"The reality is there are 75 million guns in America today," he
said during a news conference at Maryland Shock Trauma Center in
Baltimore. "There is no way you can disgorge them."

Standing next to more than a dozen handguns seized by police and
displayed on two hospital gurneys, Curran acknowledged his

"For those who oppose this, I challenge them to have a better idea
to save 35,000 lives," Curran said, referring to the nation's annual
toll from guns.

Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, who served on a
legislative committee headed by Curran 25 years ago, called the
mild-mannered attorney general a "man of the people."

Curran, he said, has an idealistic streak that would have served
him equally well in a different calling.

"My take on Joe is that he has the makings of a Catholic priest,"
Miller said. "He's a very thoughtful person, very true to his beliefs
-- and always a bit preachy."

Originally published on Oct 21 1999

[This message has been edited by Covert Mission (edited October 22, 1999).]
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