E-mail/Icq Corresponding

Jessica Wellman

New member
I'm interested in E-mail corresponding or via ICQ with anyone who is seriously learning to shoot or considering Law Enforcement. I practice 4-5 days a week and would like to talk with others who are doing the same thing. I'm interested in what techniques you may be using and for what purposes. Home Defense? Law Enforcement? Concealed Carry? What are you practicing with? Etc…

Most of the guys who post here already know how to shoot. At least they say they do… :D Very seldom do I find beginners. I'm not crazy about posting my Email address, but I will if anyone is interested in corresponding. My ICQ number is already posted, but please tell me who you are. Tons of people page me via ICQ that I do not know and many times they are young kids. I automatically delete them! Just say that you are a TFL member so that I will know.

For those interested, I am 32 years old, happily married with two children. I enjoy writing, computers, reading, studying about true crime, increasing my medical knowledge and learning all I can about firearms and their usage.

Any help or advice I can get from anyone would be greatly appreciated. That includes the avid shooters and LEO's as well. I already correspond with a few TFL members and LEO's who have greatly helped me in my endeavor. Thanks so much for the time you have shown to this novice.

Happy Shooting.

The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what it is one's destiny to do, and then do it.
HENRY FORD, "Success," Forum, October 1928

[This message has been edited by LadydeeJ (edited September 13, 1999).]
Hi LadydeeJ.

It's a shame ICQ is like e-mail: It's neither secure nor private. Oh well. I'm working towards the law enforcement community, and am almost fanatical about urban self-defense. I might buzz you sometime. Maybe you can help me out with a few things.

Same offer goes out to anyone else who is into urban self-defense and would like to help this bloke out. Please contact me if you wish. Serious inquiries only. Thank you. :)

[This message has been edited by SB (edited September 13, 1999).]
I am not a new shooter, nor am I heading towards law enforcement, nor do I try to pick up women on the internet. I am, however, very happily married to a new shooter/hunter who is just getting into deciding what and how she's going to do things, such as, "What kind of gun do I want?" and "How am I going to carry this thing?" and "How do I make sure my two little ones don't get ahold of my pistol?" and "Should I tell my husband he's getting pretty wacko about his home defense tactics?"--stuff like that. I'd be happy to relay any of her discoveries.

[This message has been edited by bamaflier (edited September 13, 1999).]
I've been in the Army for almost 25 years and an LEO for 14. I certainly don't know it all..I've always found something to learn about shooting or any other topics. I live in South Central Illinois.

I don't use ICQ (spend enough time on line as it is) but if you want to e-mail me about any training or shooting topics I'll be glad to help.


I fit in the 'learning to shoot' group, but thats about it. You are way past me with the shooting, but maybe I will catch up to you soon.? :) So not much I can help you with, but feel free to share what you learn with me. I just installed ICQ but it crashed my system, now I am on a 3.slow and will have to wait to get my other one back. :( But when its back I'll put my number in there and maybe we can talk. I can still get in my email if you want to email me, but no luck with ICQ thing. Now that I have just read what you guys are saying about it, I dont know if I want it. THats the last thing I need is a bunch of kids popping up on my screen all the time. LOL Try the AOL IM or yahoo IM, I have not had any problems with either of those, no one can IM you unless they know your IM screen name. Either way good luck, hope you can get the information you need. :)
Speaking of ICQ fooles:

I used to get a metric buttload of those stupid "Check out my web sight[sic] d00D!" messages. Then, in my user info, I wrote, "Spammers take note: I teach defensive pistol and shotgun, and I own an Uzi. Something to think about, isn't it?"

Haven't gotten anything since. Coinkydink?

"Taking a long view of history, we may say that
anyone who lays down his arms deserves whatever he gets."
--Jeff Cooper
Wow!! Thanks for the responses. I received some Icq pages from members who do not even post here. Hopefully I will make some new friends.

I think I've emailed everyone. I'm going to visit with my husband now. He's been gone for four weeks.

Ahem...so I'll see ya in about a week :)
Kidding, I'll be here off and on. Be safe everyone and happy shooting.


I've been remiss in keeping up w/ TFL lately and am just getting around to reading your post. I would definitely call my self an amateur shooter (been shooting about 1 1/2 year), and am also interested in law enforcement. I'm looking into being a reserve Sheriff's deputy when my kids get older. I would be interested corresponding w/ you to swap ideas, etc... just email me!

Ummm, wouldn't that be a Coinneach-y-dink? ;)
If you have any specific questions shoot me an email...

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."[/b]
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac

You know what? My wife has gotten spam from him before also. She wrote back, "Do you know how upset I will get if my kid sees this?" She actually got a real response a minute later, promising not to send any more of these ICQs to her. Since, then she's not had any problems with this particular fellow.

So, yes, I have a feeling he got your message. LOL!

I myself have yet to receive any spam so far. But I keep my ICQ about as tightly close as it is going to get. To prevent spam, the easiest thing to do is to set your ICQ to "authorize users to be added to your list". That way, you have to approve any new users before they can send you anything.

[This message has been edited by SB (edited September 14, 1999).]
Oh, and if ANY of you feel like corresponding over the net in VOICE, I highly recommend the freeware program, "MediaRingTalk". It is a superb program for what you pay for. But, it is not without bugs and it can bog down so badly that you get disconnected. And like everything else mentioned here, the security and privacy factor is nil. Just the same, it's a great way to chat for free. Just don't run anything else on your Windows when you use this! :)
Give me some time to get things settled on the home front Othermarc and I'll send you the program for Icq. I'm not really sure but I believe you can also visit Icq.com and download from there.

It is basically a means of communicating with on-line friends by sending notes. You can also join them in chat. I think Icq chat will hold 3 or 4 people. That is what we need to do one night. We could have a blast ;) (Blast...get it?)

Talk to you soon. I'm still receiving more ICQ pages daily. Everyone will be sending me notes at the same time! I guess I better brush up on my typing skills.

Happy shooting, and be safe...LEO's wear those vests :)

If you guys want to talk to each other in real time, i recommend Internet Relay Chat. The PC and Mac clients are inexpensive shareware, freely downloadable for trial. You chat on a 'channel' on one of the 'networks' of computers which go by names like Efnet, Dalnet, Undernet and Chatnet. The clients come with lists of networks and connection is easy. Undernet is especially crashproof. You can agree on a channel name, and then meet at that channel simply by typing '/join 'name of channel''. The channel is created by simply naming it, provided that no one else has 'registered' the channel name on that network...and that's not much of a problem. Much simpler and easier than ICQ, which can't be used by Macintosh computers. Try the URL http://www.newircusers.com/ircintro.html for more details. slabsides

An armed man is a citizen; an unarmed man is a subject; a disarmed man is a slave.

I would also call myself an amateur, not only because I don't get paid to shoot, but also 'cause I don't do it very well! :o

My dad wasn't around like he oughta have been when I was growin up, so I didn't learn about guns. I had to teach myself, and thus my knowledge is incomplete- I don't even know what a "sear" is! :o :o I do my best to absorb what I can- TFL is a great place for that. I try to keep my mouth shut around here when possible, so as not to make a fool of myself with my ignorance!!

I have been interested in being a peace officer (I refuse to accept the term "LEO") since I was 14. Recently, Darthmaum and I were at a gun show (our first ever, BTW!!) and a reserve deputy with the Dallas county sheriff's dept was there, and we talked with him about what it would take to join. I got a kick out of the picture they had of the sheriff (who happens to be my grandmother's brother) shooting an MP5, then of his target with bullet holes spelling "HOWDY"! :D MY circumstances right now prevent me from pursuing this venture, but sooner or later (hopefully sooner :)) I plan to go for it.

I would welcome the opportunity to exchange ideas with you. I don't have time at present to commit to internet chat, just email. You don't have your e-mail addy visible here- kein problem. Just mail me, since mine's available. Can't wait to hear from ya!

"Is fhe'arr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach"
-Sarabian Oomodo

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!

A firearm isn't a weapon until it is used as such.