Dutch cartoonist arrested for insulting Islam... In Holland


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Can you believe this story? A Dutch cartoonist was arrested by the Dutch government for insulting Islam with his cartoons. I guess the Dutch really do believe that Islam will prevail one day and they don't want to piss off their new masters. :rolleyes:


Dutch police arrest cartoonist for "publishing cartoons which are discriminating for Muslims and people with dark skin"

May 16, 2008

Gregorius Nekschot is quite the equal opportunity offender, having penned cartoons offensive to Catholics and Jews (e.g., Muhammad molesting Anne Frank) alongside his emphasis on lampooning Islam and Muhammad.

What did he get arrested for? Lampooning Islam and Muhammad. Thomas Landen at the Brussels Journal has the story:

The Dutch authorities have arrested the cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot (a pseudonym. Nekschot means deathblow, litt: “shot in the back of the neck” [An interview with Nekschot here]). The judicial authorities in Amsterdam said yesterday that the cartoonist was arrested as a suspect for the criminal offense of “publishing cartoons which are discriminating for Muslims and people with dark skin.”

Prior to the Islam-related complaint, the "dark skin" aspect doesn't seem to have mattered as much. And by the way, how does a cartoon discriminate?

The cartoonist was arrested on Tuesday, while the police searched his house for “discriminating evidence.” His computer, backups, usb sticks, mobile phone and a number of drawings were confiscated. Nekschot was released two days later but it is possible that he will be charged following a complaint in 2005 by the Dutch imam Abdul Jabbar van de Ven, an indigenous Dutchman who converted to Islam.

And the poor, offended imam is on record approving of Theo Van Gogh's murder.

According to the Dutch public prosecutor Nekschot “makes his profession” of drawing cartoons of “an insulting and/or discriminating nature.” Ernst Hirsch Ballin, the Dutch minister of Justice, a Christian-Democrat, said that it took the police three years to discover the real identity of the cartoonist.

Nekschot, a friend of the late Theo van Gogh, the Dutch film maker who was ritually slaughtered by a Muslim fanatic in 2004, hides his real identity in order to avoid unnecessary risks. Hans Teeuwen, a Dutch stand-up comedian and friend of Nekschot’s, told the Dutch media yesterday that the police had told Nekschot as they released him earlier that day that “he has now lost his anonymity.” Teeuwen said this was “a rather intimidating remark.”

As spokeswoman of Xtra, Nekschot’s publisher, said today: “He was arrested with a great show of force, by around 10 policemen.” The spokeswoman asked that her name not be used because the cartoonist and publisher have received death threats. Nekschot told the Dutch newspaper Het Parool today that police officers had told him: “What you draw is worse than what they did in Denmark. Do you realize what can happen to you if your identity gets known?” The cartoonist fears for his live if he is being sent to jail. “As the maker of those cartoons my life is in danger in prison,” he said.

Nekschot’s work is rude and often sexually explicit. As such it is characteristic for the Dutch liberal mentality and not beyond the limit in the Netherlands. In his cartoons, however, he mocks the multicultural society, and that does seem to be beyond all bounds.
Insanity, we should never sacrifice our freedom due to threats from others. I hope it never gets like that in America.
Insanity, we should never sacrifice our freedom due to threats from others. I hope it never gets like that in America.

Too late it's here in all aspects of our system, especially in our schools.
Too late it's here in all aspects of our system, especially in our schools.

Its pretty sick, I don't have a problem with people believing what ever they want but as soon as they start pushing it on others is when it gets unacceptable.
So many things in common....

I hope I don't get death threats for this one:rolleyes:

They follow one leader's teaching, they preach death or punishment (often death) for anyone who disagrees with their teaching, or mocks them in any way. They are utterly intolerant of non-believers, and many are absolute fanatics in their faith. And they are absolutely convinced of the rightness of their cause and all actions stemming from it.

Other than not currently running Germany, how are these people not like the ones who ran Germany from 1933 to 1945?

The difference in details seems rather minor from here.
So a Dutchman was arrested for making fun of Islam, do I have that right? So we are now making fun of the Dutch.

Can we now be arrested by the Islamic, or would they get the joke?

Oh, I forgot, they can't do Jack-spit. We can resist...
Degenerated brains have their own ways of thinking. With all the nuts reproducing so quickly on this planet, and Islam growing, the future isn't bright. As a little person, there is not much you can do. It's the greater mass that defines what democracy is. I see a future where more and more Americans live isolated on the tops of various American mountain ridges, just to get away from the democracy of the future. It's the soft heart of the empathic white man which will lead to his extinction. But I will go long before that, and to be frank, I don't give a damn. It's the nuts of the future who will suffer the most from their own nutty brains and nutty ideas. Practically every **** head in the Middle East is suffering already because of what they are.
I was born & raised in Holland-moved to the US when I was 28. What you are seeing is the result of years and years of left-wing socialist feel-good 'multi-culturalism' combined with the shameless pandering to these, in this case, radical muslims by left AND right wing politicians who need their votes.

Apparently, we will respect any culture now, no matter how violent or backward they may be. We will cater to any demand by these people for fear of ‘causing offense’ or triggering a violent reaction. Most of us say what we really feel behind closed doors, but not in public for fear of being called a bigot. We have learned not to speak our mind for fear of causing offense. And the worst of all is that we somehow seemed to have developed some kind of false shame about our own culture…which is probably why all this is happening right now.

Well, I was not raised that way. And although I have not been in Holland for quite a while now, I still know a lot of Dutch people who were not raised that way either. I am very curious to see what comes from this.
tj's post and many before were insightful, solid opinion, great dialogue. My dear mother-in-law, Anke, was born and raised in Breda, Holland and survived Nazi occupation as a child while many of her family did not. She emigrated here in the late eighties with my father-in-law, eager to gain her citizenship and participate in the rights and privileges of the U.S. This story distressed he no end!

At the high school where I am employed as a night shift custodian, a wealthy district only now starting to see a trickle of minority students, the art club project this year was to paint mostly empty platitudes on the walls of the halls.

"You can't shake hands with a closed fist!"

"Be a buddy, not a bully!"

"Radiate Peace"

and so much more. One favorite is a bright pink and purple, "Accept ALL!" which I watched the designated student paint a bit. I asked if he'd picked it himself. He had. I asked if he believed we should accept all with no discrimination, no requirement for compromise, no standards. He stated that ALL meant ALL, with his emphasis on the word 'all' very sharp and condescending. These kids know me, Marine vet, take no guff, well read, familiar sight on campus, guest speaker twice yearly in Social Studies and English Departments. I said, "Kid, we have top have standards and we have to have values. I don't accept militants, extremists, rapists, thieves or murderers and neither should you. Tolerance is a nice word but what about the good of many over a specialized group or individual?" or something to that effect. His response? He put his iPod on and went back to painting.

We can't save them all and there's a reason Holland is starting to see murder, a reason their drug culture is rampant, a reason they are inundated with refugees. Too liberal.