Dusting off scenario


You live in our nation's heartland on a farm...your next door neighbor is quite a distance away, your local LEO takes at least 40 minutes without traffic or adverse weather conditions to get to your place.

One dark cloudy evening, you 're out on your porch with a hot toddy, when you hear a prop plane...a crop duster. Odd time to be out, especially with the wind picking up.

There's a break in the clouds and the duster is methodically weaving its way across the fields...you're picking up a faint chemical smell. The wind shifts and you pick up a strong chemical smell...something that you haven't smelled before.

Suddenly, the engine of the prop plane sputters and eventually dies, but you see flames sparking from the engine and three people jump out of the plane and three parachutes spread open.

You grab your long gun, then call the locall sheriff. Now what do you do? Fort up or reconnoiter?

Please give your pro's and cons for your choice please.
Quick, grab the phone, you just seen one of them damn UFO thingies! Seriously I think I'd go out and shoot the three for being terminally stupid, one for putting three people in a single seat plane, two for trying to parachute from less than 100 ft., and three for plotting a chemical attack on empty farmland rather than teeming suburbia. Chemical of known casualty agents won't smell probably, or may have odor of fresh cut hay, probably nothin' too weird for you country folk.
Unless they are trying out some sort of new-fangled herbicide in an effort to starve the US into submission, I doubt these three are terrorists.
1. If you can smell it and you ain't doing the funky chicken, it isn't a chemical weapon.
2. Biologic agents are odorless.

I'd call 911 about the plane going down and go check on the corpses of the three fools who packed themselves into a single-seat plane. If they are that stupid, chances are they didn't use their parachutes correctly either
:D Man you guys beat me to all the good points.

BUT if....Anytime in the future, if I do see a crop duster where it doesn't belong, stinking of chemicals, burning, with guys jumping out....I'll be sure to have a plan in place because of reading this thread.
There is no time for indecision. I want to be prepared!