Dusted another corn stealing crow today!


New member
Shot this one with my Ruger .22 WMR at 85 yards lasered after the shot. It takes them quite a while to build their courage up and come back around here.

3 of them flew off as soon as they saw an inch of me around the corner of the house. I guess this one must have been born this year cause he was stupid enough to hang around a few seconds too long. LOL! He won't be passin' them "dumb" genes along!


Oh, great! Now we have people shooting all the dumb ones. And just how do you expect me to get any shooting in if you've already shot the dumb ones?;)

Good job, good shot!
OH C'MON! Just when they thought they had you figgered out! See what dumbing down education does? The next generation of corn stealers is in dire peril! What are you going to do next? Put a few booby traps in the field? So much for the time honored scarecrow! Big meany! SHEESH!

Oh, yeah. Nice shot. CB.
Take that one out and tie some fish line to it and make it a moving decoy, if they are flying over, give a little baby crow call and you can kill all you want.....highest total for us was 32 one afternoon.....hehhehe and don't kill the wounded, just let them squawk and lurch about..... more decoys
You sure are screwed now! Don't ask me how they communicate but now every crow in the county knows you and they'll never let you have a moment's peace when you're trying to stalk that huge buck you're looking for. Crows never forgive and they never forget. :(

That's alright MeekAndMild my .308 shoots minute of crow at 300 + yards, and my .300 WM shoots minute of crow 500 + yards. Let em try and bother me! LOL! :D:
You are dealing with the smartest bird in the world. They can live 25 years, they have over 50 words in their vocabulary, they can think and reason to some degree, and they have an excellent memory. Some people think the eastern wild turkey is the smartest, but they pale in comparison to old Noir. Now that you have established yourself as a nemesis, they will be watching your every move from the time that you walk out the door to the time you go back in. YOU ARE UNDER SURVEILLANCE. Do NOT make a false or phony move or they will notice. You killed one of the young; they are out to get you. Expect attack at any time. Be armed and aware. They will NOT take prisoners. They will haunt your very existence. The crown prince of Nippon was attacked and pecked on the head while golfing. BEWARE THE CROW! Next will come the raven croaking "NEVERMORE". You are warned!