Dust in chamber of .223.

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Big Bunny

New member
When hunting with a U/O CZ break action gun (.223/12ga) last w/end, in a restricted dug-out under a camo net, under pressure (and excitement ..shooting crows!)_I briefly touched the under rifle barrel on the dusty dugout dirt wall. I immediately broke the CZ and inspected the rifle/shotgun barrels. But as it was still dawn, I failed to see that while the barrel was free and safe to continue hunting with, some fine red aussie dust had lodged in the neck/chamber area of the .223 barrel. On subsequent firing at a 50m plus crow(out of range for the 12GA) - the taped head new factory brass PMC case was expracted and was found to be covered in a fine "casement" of compressed dust on one side and also the neck area, slightly marking the new brass in places... a bit like unburned powder granules.
Well, I don't like this - even though pressures were low(55gn Rem SP and 23gn Mulwex 2208 CCI primer for 2,800FPS on initial short-range loading)and no signs of pressure were seen on the case/primer with a magnifier.

Questions and comments please....

1/.Could I have damaged the firearm in any way(it looks AOK after cleaning).
2/ Would taping the muzzle with thin scotch-tape be OK to prevent this happening again? I have done this on a W.30/30 in thick bush after pigs, but not in higher velocity firearms. It is very constricted inside my hide and some shots are taken at varying positions, often with some difficulty on wily corvids - even with a 24" barrel!

Your comments please - fellow hunters.

If we shooting sportspersons don't hang together... we will all hang separately !
Never knock another's different shooting interest or discipline...REMEMBER we are all but leaves on the same tree of freedom.
The odds are that if it looks okay, it *is* okay. I'd check the crown of the muzzle on general principles, for dings--although the odds are in your favor.

Scotch tape is as good an idea as baloons or condums...

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