Feets, I live in the City and I don't understand? Should I be offended? Are you talking about picking up some girls at Walmart? Make me understand and forgive my density.
Rightside, I'm not poking fun at OKC fatties. I was referring to the awesome IHMSA range at the gun club. I've shot there a couple times with a friend. It's great fun but a bit of a long haul from Dallas. Living in the city prevents me from having a private range on my own land.
I had an idea to work up some 300 gr 45 Colt loads for knocking over rams but I don't have a good place to practice that stuff.
Don't know yet. I'll get the meat off the bones in a day or two. Meanwhile, it's kept cold.
I generally cook the meat in the crock-pot and make pulled pork.