
New member
Dupes - deliberatly unarmed people
I have meet my share.
When I try to sell them a gun they tell
me that if they had one they would use it
on the very first person that got them angery.

What do you say to that? How do you counter it?

I say to them " Do you mean to tell
that you have so little mature adult judgement that you should not be trusted with guns or matches?" "Prehaps you should turn in your drivers license too if you have so little self control."
They say "No, thats different. I need that!"

Anyways ,this conversation does not work
for me . I need a new rap here.

I am asking for your help here. I need
a good dialog to turn them to the bright side
of the force.
Interesting point. I have learned, after years of trial and error, how to "argue" with a DUP. Some rules:

-You must remain calm.
-You must avoid statistics (when statistics come out of yor mouth, they hear "bla bla bla").
-You must counter ALL of their emotional responses in the discussion.
- You must not appear to be disrespectful or judgemental of them personally (this is very difficult to do. Your agruement should address the topic, not them personally).

Here's an example that I used in response to "I don't trust myself with a gun":

"Consider getting a firearm"
"No, I don't trust myself with one."
"Why not?"
"I'm afraid I'd shoot someone, with the temper I have."
"Do you ever put gas in your car?"
"Have you ever taken some of that gasoline, walked into a chruch, school or restaurant, doused the patrons with it and set them on fire?"
"Well, no, that's rediculous."
"But gasoline is dangerous, maybe you shouldn't trust yourself with it. How about steak knives, do you have any?"
"Have you ever taken one of those dangerous knives, walked into a church, school or restaurant and began to stab the patrons?"
"Well knives are dangerous, maybe you shouldn't trust yourself with them either."

I then tell them that they are in conatct every day with dangerous tools and devices (cars!) but you act responsibly with those don't you? A firearm is the same principle, it is an object and has no effect on your ability to make a decision.

This is just an example but I hope you see my drift. YOU MUST REMAIN CALM when you discuss this with a DUP. Counter ALL of their BS responses with your statements and a smile - and let them go off and think about it. Believe me, some of them WILL think about it if you make a calm, intelligent and reasonable point. It may take a while but they may actually think about it.

Good luck.


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!
I guess I would just respond, "Yeah, you're right. The gene pool would be better off without your contributions." They can take that a couple of ways.
cmos, thank you , a very good rap. I wrote it down & henceforth, will use it.

To this I am going to add and invitation to a free safety lesson and shooting session at my gun club as my guest at my expense.

I am going to have a printer make an ingraved invitation up for me.

What do you want ? An engraved invatation? ok Here it is! An engraved formal invatation to free safety instructions at my home and 1 hour of free shooting at my gun club at my expense.

Now --what do you think would be the
dupe's response to this.?

I ask for your response here, because I am not a people person, I was always the technition type, better with electronics &
machinery than with people... let alone sheeple ... which is another wierd breed

Thanks--your input & advise is appreciated.

I like it! And if they won't take you up on the offer, well, maybe they are right. It would be better if they didn't own a gun. If someone has that kind of a temper, I wouldn't want them running around armed.
I honestly believe the DUP to be the greatest threat/hope to shooting's future. I added the line to my sig, more to remind myself of that fact than to make a statement. It seems like every day I hear someone say "I hate guns". Just yesterday, at the range/gun store a woman came in as I was leaving. First thing out of her mouth "I hate guns, but my husband wants a muzzle loader for Christmas" My first thought was, he wants a muzzle loader but he needs a new wife. One that has a clue and a brain. I really didn't have a comment to snap back at her, and anything I said may have cost the store a sale and really turned her off as to getting a gun for her wussy whipped husband. It was obvious that her distain of guns stemmed from the media picture, and she was intent on letting everyone know that she was buying a gun for hubby just to be a good wife. Years of whitewashing the public image aren't going to be undone by a few facts thrown out. It won't hurt, but it doesn't go very far. You can talk all day long about the positives to a DUP, gain their agreement on every point in favor of RKBA, and watch them march into a voting booth and vote for some gun control candidate. It's frustrating and disgusting. I really don't have an answer, and I'm afraid any suggestion I can give would do more to further the other side. I'm not a successful arguer(if their is such a word), since I tend to lose it so quick. That brings up the other side of the discussion. How should someone with such intolerence of attitude respond? Most of the time I keep my big mouth shut,( Some of you may find that hard to believe based on my posts in here, ;) but we are all family so to speak, so it's different) since I know things will escalate to the point that I will only provoke and prove the other side correct. How does a Neandrethal like myself, deal with the civilized?
hal, I dont know. One of my cudtomer's is
moving out of Conn. and up to Vermont where
any one can carry a handgun either overtly
in the open or conceled, with out any permit.
None required.
I am highly jelious of him , needless
to say; as I am stuck here in Conn with
laws like "Turn In Your Neighbor" even if he has not done anything wrong, we will arrest his guns, not him and he will have to go to court and explain why the state should return his gun collection to him.
7 gun collections arrested in one month, so far.
2 gun owners got their gun collections out of jail.

Im still keeping score.