Dumbest Poachers of the day


Apparently the inside of the vehicle looked like something from a bad horror film. From the press release:

Deer Poachers Caught Red Handed

Date:November 20, 2012

On 11/18/12 at 2:18 pm, the El Dorado County Sheriff's Office was advised by Sacramento CHP of multiple 911 calls reporting a Tan Toyota SUV occupied by two Asian male subjects somewhere on Ponderosa Road near North Shingle that had a large amount of blood coming out of the back of the vehicle and the two occupants of the Toyota were trying to hide their faces as the driver was speeding away.

Multiple law enforcement officers converged on the area and the Toyota was spotted by an El Dorado County Sheriff's Office K9 unit, traveling westbound on Hwy 50 nearing the county line at a high rate of speed.

Not knowing exactly what they were dealing with, Deputies and CHP Officers conducted a felony stop on the car and detained the two occupants. Inside the Toyota was the carcass of a recently killed deer and there was an extensive amount of blood strewn about the interior of the car and on the two subjects.

Fish and Game Officers were requested and upon arrival, conducted their investigation. Evidently the two subjects illegally shot the spike male deer with a shotgun off Ponderosa Road, and after the deer collapsed, threw it in the back of the Toyota. Shortly thereafter, while driving away, the deer regained consciousness and began struggling. One or both of the subjects used an edged weapon to stab the deer until it finally died, leaving the car and it’s occupants spattered in blood, and blood dripping heavily out the back of the car.

Based on the findings of this investigation, 46 year old Scott Lee of Sacramento, and 32 year old Nai Saechao of Sacramento were arrested by Fish and Game Officers for violating multiple laws related to hunting, including Poaching, as well as felony Animal Cruelty.

Both subjects were booked into the El Dorado County Jail. They posted bail and were released later that night.

The link: http://www.edcgov.us/Government/Sheriff/Press_Releases/Deer_Poachers_Caught_Red_Handed.aspx
Those are some real idiots.
But there are dumber ones. Like where Fish & Game sets up a fake deer with a good rack near the side of a road. Along with some cameras.
And the idiots pull to the side of the road. And shoot at it.
Sounds more like an urban legend, than reality.

Those are some real idiots.
But there are dumber ones. Like where Fish & Game sets up a fake deer with a good rack near the side of a road. Along with some cameras.
And the idiots pull to the side of the road. And shoot at it.
Today, the DWR was watching and keeping tabs on a herd of deer in my neighborhood, from an unmarked SUV. There were a small 3-point ("western" count ;)), a small 2-point, and a half-dozen does. Since all forms of hunting are illegal in this part of the county, the wardens were following the herd around in hopes of catching some idiot that decided to 'side-step' the law.
My favorite dumb poacher was related to me by sisters boyfriend...

Archery season, south Georgia.

My sister's boyfriend is at the deer cooler, waiting to get his deer process when the local Game Warden pulls up for a license check. The game Warden walks over to two fellows with a deer on a trailer behind a Ford Explorer.

Game Warden asks the boys why the deer has bullet holes in when it is archery only season. One of the fellows replies that he shot the deer to put it out of it's misery. Game Warden then proceeds to ask why the arrow is still in the deer and lodged in the trailer. Citations are issued and gun confiscated.
A retired deputy sheriff, deputized as a game warden, set up a small RV trailer at a county road turnoff that led to several ranches. He took a truck-killed buck and after gutting it, stuffed it with hay and braced the legs. It was set up in a nearby pasture.

He made several night-time arrests, that season. We got some good laughs from the deal. One poacher not only emptied his rifle, he reloaded and kept shooting--puzzled as to why the deer did not go down.
1 show on TV many years ago showed a mechanical (rotating head) deer used to catch poachers taking bullet after bullet. What stood out was 1 idiot that shot it and when it didn't drop, he ran over it with his truck, all on camera. Too many years ago for me to remember the outcome. Anyone here see it and remember?
I think you misunderstood, and believe my 'urban legend' comment was directed towards decoys and robotic deer for poaching stings.

That was not the case, and I really don't know why anyone would believe such. Setting up sting operations with decoy deer, robotic deer, and road-killed deer (with nice racks) are tactics commonly used all over the United States.

My second comment (after the quote) should have clearly illustrated that concept. ;)
No, it doesn't.

Because they chose to shoot the deer illegally in the first place, they then had to kill it in an extremely painful way - repeatedly stabbing it with utility knives, apparently.

If this had happened incident to a lawful hunt, and the supposedly dead deer had awakened, it would be different. That would be sad, but not criminal.

Their illegal act in the first place is what resulted in the messy way in which the deer was killed.

Tough luck for them.
Here is one DUMBER!

CO Randy Hanzal (Duluth) had several complaints of people shooting from the roadway that led to some deer decoy work in the area. The decoy proved to be very effective catching a repeat customer from a few years ago.

The Minnesota Game Wardens have a cook book that has a recipe for Decoy Deer. I have a call in to a friend that used to have the book, and we gifted one to a nephew that was tagged the first year Decoys were used in MN
He was "rOAD hUNTING' with a cousin when they came across the decoy and the cousin got out and tried to shoot the decoy but his rifle didn't fire, then my nephew jumps out and say's, "Let Me show you how its done" and Bang, then, Oh-O! Before they got turned around the CO had him and after issueing the citation he looked over at Tim and asked him what he was doing as they had it all on video and Tim said he was just looking at it thru the scope.
well Jeff didn't let that go so they split the fine.
When his wife went ballistic on him over the fine I told he not to leave his Dad out of the Flame, as that is who would rather road hunt than anything.


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AZ Game & Fish had fake deer that moved by remote control, they could move their head up and down and turn sideways. They also had a fake turkey that ran on a track. These were very lifelike and they caught lots of bad guys poaching them.
Cali DF&G take a dim view on poachers and write them up for everything that they can find or figure out. The Courts are tough on them too. Hunters must read and understand all the regulations. Those in violation are usually severely delt with. Especially in the land of the tree huggers.
I suspect these idiots would not have been treated kindly in Maine, Georgia, or Missouri, either. California isn't always wrong.
A buddy of mine hit a deer with his car and put it in his trunk. When he got home he opened the trunk and the now awake deer jumped out and ran down the street.
Last I heard, most California courts confiscate all the tools of the crime in poaching cases, which can include over $100k in boat, trailer, tow vehicle, and SCUBA gear for out of season abalone. Hope these guys lose the vehicle, wonder what the discount will be for blood and damages when it is sold.;)