Dumb question

This is Army slang for the M-2 .50 cal machine gun... lovingly called Ma Duece. She is fun to take out on dates - and a very good dancer. She is very loud and arrogant though - but very sexy. If she was a real woman - she would be Xena.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


M2 50 Caliber machinegun. Popular with the troops in WWII, Korea, Vietnam and today. Used worldwide. Designed by God's and delivered unto us by his own prophet on earth, Moses. John Moses Browning that is. Sorry, got carried away.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
M2 Heavy Machine gun. (.50 caliber)

John Browning designed and adopted by the US in 1917 or so.

Great gun!


"Shoot low boys, they're riding Shetland ponies..." LG, RIP
There are 2 kinds of people...
The quick...
The dead.

Sorry, had to say it...

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


And four of those little darlin's on a motorized mount turns money into noise and an infantry assault into hamburger!
Ah yes, remember her well. Excellent dancer, but heavy. Even though mine was mounted on a tracked vehicle I still had to throw the reciever over one shoulder, the barrel over the other and hump that heavy sucker down to the motor pool. She could kill ya without firing a shot. :)
My father-in-law sat between four of those (Quad .50) at the Yalu River counter-assault. His favorite word now is "WHAT!?!"
Long Path, woz it one of those halftrack mounted quads (M16AA)? I'm envious.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
So far as I know, the only Quad-50 mounts in Korea were on half-tracks. The 50th AAA had 32 of those, and 32 M-19 "light tanks" with twin-40mm turrets. Tracking capabilities for crossing planes was up to 200mph, not real helpful on Migs...

2nd Inf. guys said the Quads were great against human-wave attacks, but you had to move out after 10 to 20 seconds of shooting, to avoid mortars. Shoot and scoot, shoot and scoot...

Joe Chink's "waves" had the first wave with full-auto; second or third had bolt action; and the rear waves were expected to arm themselves from the fallen. If he didn't have his pack and rice bowl, there was a chance of stopping them. With pack and ricebowl? Forget it; they'd expend a battalion to over-run a squad. (Hearsay from guys who were there; I was on occupation duty, Class of '54.)