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Dumb (non)titles PO me!


New member
Am I the only one who gets POed at titles like --

Opinion please! .......... you'll get mine
looky what I made today ..... $2 at the car wash
Got it! ........... then try penicillin
Need a stock for .... your grandma's cane??
It came in .... your ship? Should have stayed aboard
Which one?? .... the other one, dummy
Cleaning?? ..... so take a few dollars and go pick it up
Ideas?? .......... yea, got a couple for you!

A subject/title that gives "just a hint' of what you are interested in will get you more responses. Heck, we might be interested, too, instead of blowing by.

Plus, folks who ask questions for which answers are easily obtained on the Internet (great the AL invented it:barf: ), in the Blue Book, from the manufacturer or manufacturer's brochures, etc.

It only takes a little effort folks. And, we wonder what is wrong with our lazy middle class!

Thanx, I feel better!
"Am I the only one who gets POed at titles like ..."


But, unfortunately the solution for the moderators is to be constantly editing titles, and we aren't going to do that. I've occassionally sent PM's to members with the minimalist titles explaining that they would get far more views of their threads with less cryptic titles, but it seems to be like asking Sarah Brady to use some logic.
Doesn't bother me
I tend not to click on threads that don't interest me
Plus id you run your cursor over the title it will show you the first sentence of the post
Thanks for your opinion. I wanted to ask peoples thoughts, about a good humidity level in my gun safe. My original title was "Ideal humidity". I think my question is a little more specific, now.

the subject line SHOULD indicate the subject matter, spelled correctly, so that the search function works and turns it up in the future - the more specific the better - gun make, model, part, issue, etc.

Got it! ........... then try penicillin

Tee hee.
Plus id [if] you run your cursor over the title it will show you the first sentence of the post

Yea, but why?? I want to run down the page with the mouse and scan title by eye. See something I like, then look at sentence. Still like it, read the whole thing.

Here's a dandy from this AM ....

Am I allowed to do this?

..... Sure, but remember to wipe and wash your hands!
Yea, but why?? I want to run down the page with the mouse and scan title by eye.See something I like, then look at (the)sentence.
then don't run your cursor over the title.

If the title alone doesn't interest you then you can save time by not dropping in
Why all the drama?
Because there might be good information in a poorly-titled thread, which the search feature won't turn up when searching subject lines only.
Because there might be good information in a poorly-titled thread, which the search feature won't turn up when searching subject lines only.
Which is why I will stop to look at the thread

But "dumb titles" don't PO me,
If they did I would ignore them

Life is so much easier when you figure the easy ways around it