Dumb Glock Question

Yes, in that there is no way to "cock" them as can be done with a SA or conventional SA/DA pistol. But the Glock striker is left partially cocked by the slide motion, so it is not truly a full double action.

"Safe Action"

It is called "safe action" by Glock.

Some people describe the trigger pull of Glocks as a long "mushy" single action pull. Others say it feels more like a light and short double action pull. In reality, the striker is partially cocked (so it is in between a DA and SA pull).
No. Glocks don't really fit in any normal catagory. They're "Safe Action" but a better description is that they're striker fired. the only other gun that is striker fired that i can think of are Kahrs. when you rack the slide on glocks you are partially cocking the striker so you are basically always carrying them cocked so they could be classified as SA. however when you pull the trigger you are cocking the striker the rest of the way and firing them so they could also be called DAO. i think the trigger feels more like an SA pull than DA but if you install a NY trigger spring then it feels more like a DA pull.
Basic answer is 'yes'. You pull the slide back, chamber a round, trigger is in the cocked, forward position, pulling the trigger fires the round, cycling the action, returning the trigger to the cocked, forward position. There is no way to fire the gun if the trigger is all the way back. Like some DC, or DA/SA guns pulling the trigger from the forward position fires the round, cycles the slide, and cocks the trigger back. Dry firing it returns the trigger forward. When you dry fire a Glock, the trigger stays back, and uncocked.