Dudley Brown: Who is he and why is he hated by some gun owners?


His wiki entry doesn't sound that bad:

Brown is a 1989 graduate of Colorado State University, and founded the CSU College Republicans. After Brown’s 1989 graduation, he served as Northern Colorado Director for U.S. Senator Bill Armstrong. In 1990, when Armstrong retired, Brown became the Media Director for the Colorado House of Representatives Republican Caucus. In 1992, Brown became the deputy campaign manager for the unsuccessful Republican congressional campaign of Brian Day in Colorado’s 2nd District.[1]

Political activities
Dudley Brown's lobbying activities have focused on influencing the Colorado Legislature, both in opposing new gun legislation such as that proposed in the wake of the Columbine High School massacre, and supporting specific legislation to relax concealed carry regulations. Brown often criticizes the National Rifle Association as being soft on gun control.

"We're not afraid to be called radicals on the gun issue," says Brown. "Because that's what we are."[2]

In the wake of Columbine, Colorado voters passed Amendment 22, a voter-initiated measure requiring background checks of gun purchases at gun shows, closing the so-called "gun show loophole".[3] Brown opposed the initiative, stating, "We're under assault right now. We feel like the Jews did in Nazi Germany."[4]

In 2002, a complaint was filed against Brown with the Colorado Secretary of State, alleging that a fund-raising letter Brown authored supporting the congressional campaign of Marilyn Musgrave violated state law. The Associated Press reported that Brown wrote a January 21, 2002 letter soliciting donations to Musgrave's congressional campaign. The complaint filed claimed, "As a registered lobbyist, Mr. Brown is clearly prohibited from fund-raising while the General Assembly is in session." Brown called the complaint "frivolous" and apparently a judge agreed, as the case was summarily dismissed.[5]

Brown is well known for involving his organization in bitter Republican primary elections at the state and local.[6][7]

He's got a website called NRAwol.net that tracks controversial bargains and compromises that the NRA does.

One guy posted up the DNS registration of NRAwol.net as "proof" that the site is not reputable, simply because it was registered by Dudley Brown.

Why? What's he done? Sounds like an active local-level lobbyist in Colorado. Could be a worse guy...:rolleyes:
Okay, I looked at the site briefly. It appears to be a rehash of the lies and half-truths spouted by the GOA.
