Duck Walk and Low Crouch.

I went through some MOUT training while I was in. The duck walk is different from the low crouch because when you duck walk, you kindof crouch all the way down to where your butt is sitting on the heels of your feet. You don't really take your butt off your heals when you move. It's super tough on your knees and the balls of your feet since you walk on those. Low crouch is a bit higher and allows speedier movement. The duck walk is reserved for maneuvering around really low walls, underneath windows w/o being seen, and probably even countertops. It's really easy to tip over wearing a tactical load out. Strong legs are a must, along with a good sense of balance.

We had to do exercises where we'd duck walk for about 25yds, then push up and go into a low crouch and continue to maneuver. After duck walking for any length of time, you feel the burn and it's hard to stand up. Stretch a lot before hand.