Duck Blind Pontoon Boat

Have any of you guys seen these? Does anyone know of a more economical approach to building one on your own?

I really dig the 12' size. Easy to tow and manage. Blind Pontoon.htm

+1 on finding an old one. Might give you some added enjoyment building your own custom blind.
More out there than you think...

I have lived at and still visit St. Marys Lake in Ohio. Not all that big of a lake but I have known guys there for years that "recycle" the family pontoon and get 5-10 more years out of the boat as a duck blind. They just remove any furniture or anything they dont want in the way and cover it. I have seen everything and anything used for covering from waterproof material to brush and twigs. They claim they're great and they always get their ducks too! I think it's cool. ;)
Use my Brothers Air Boat down Here, He's got it painted green with sawgrass painted on the side and a mesh he pulls over the top.:)
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We bought an old pontoon about 25 yrs ago, used wire mesh to secure some natural grass camo from the area, and used it very successfully to duck hunt on the lake. We kept it anchored in a bay in a stand of grass and trees, about 30yrds from shore, and would just motor out to it in our john-boat in the morning (also made a little cubby attached to it to stash the john-boat). Worked quite well until many years later when a big flood rushed in and floated off the blind....we looked for it but never found it.

pwelsh4hd said:
used wire mesh to secure some natural grass camo from the area....Worked quite well until many years later when a big flood rushed in and floated off the blind....we looked for it but never found it.

lol. It is probably still there you just can't see it for the camo!:eek:;)