DS Arms Dealers Stocking SA-58's?

Steve McCullagh

New member
Does anyone on the forum know of dealers who presently stock DS Arms SA-58's (FAL)??

Also, any experience with Arizona Response Systems is of interest...

Arizona Response Systems has an excellent reputation and their wares tend to be priced appropriately. If you go over to the FN-FAL Files discussion board, you'll see quite a few posts saying how pleased they are with the work.

Why don't you find a dealer who will accept and do the transfer and then order it directly from DSA?

Here's another option: Mike Prewitt (mike@msc) is selling a barreled Imbel receiver for $425. Add a South African R1 parts kit for $140 and you're ready to go. Mike does work that is comparable to ARS, but he'll work on just about anything (ARS won't touch a Hesse receiver).

Link to ad: http://www.fnfal.com/falfiles/wwwboard/messages/24718.html

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited February 12, 2000).]
I have an Stg58 FAL built on a DSA receiver by ARS in 1998. Mark Graham (gunplumber) does very good work and I'm very happy with my FAL. However, he is very opinionated (some would say cocky) and can be "difficult" at times. His online behavior has driven a lot of folks to deal with other people like Mike Prewitt. Follow the discussion on FAL files for any length of time and you'll get a sense of what I'm talking about.

Understand also, that if you go the route Destructo6 is suggesting, you'll also want to factor in the cost of having Mike refinish it. The R1 parts kits, so I've heard, are in pretty rough shape.

[This message has been edited by pbash (edited February 12, 2000).]