Dryfiring Ruger GP100


New member
Hi All,

I've seen several people here say that you can dryfire a GP100 as much as you want. Does this mean without snap caps or anything (totally empty chambers)? I looked at one in a shop and when I wanted to check the trigger pull the salesman put in snap caps, but I'm not sure if this means anything. Thanks.
I don't have mine handy, but I believe the practice is endorsed in the owners manual. Check it out, I don't remember a reference to snap caps.
This is a direct quote from the Ruger GP 100 Instruction Manual: '"Dry Firing" is practicing the trigger pull of the empty revolver for practice and familiarity. The GP 100 can be dry-fired without damage to the firing pin or internal components.'

I take it that "...empty revolver..." means that snap caps are not necessary.
Dry Firing

From the Ruger Revolver manual.

Going through the actions of cocking, aiming and pulling the trigger of an Unloaded Gun is known as "dry Firing",it can be usefull to learn the "feel" of your revolver by dry firing. The Ruger new model revolvers can be dry fired without any damage to the firing pin or other components.


This is not an exact Quote.

Thanks for the responses. I guess the thing I wasn't clear on was when people said the GP could be dry fired did they mean with empty chambers or simply without live ammo in the chambers (i.e. with snap caps). The quotes from the manual seem to clear that up. Thanks again!
I dry fired mine about 4,000 times with snap caps, but the caps prbably weren't needed. It really helped smooth/lighten the action!