Dryfire Practice

Definitely time well spent. You can concentrate on sight alignment, sight picture and trigger control without the distractions of noise, recoil (unless you forgot to unload first, in which case it wouldn't be dry-firing, would it?), and your buddies laughing at your last miss.
Good dry-fire practice should include aiming at a blank surface as well as a stationary target.
Keep in mind that your practice time should emphasize quality over quantity. Really concentrate on making each "shot" perfect, as well as calling your fliers. Speed will come with practice.
I do it frequently, using snapcaps. My weapon is DA/SA, so it helps me to pull without shaking and going off target.
Dry practice is much more valuable than live fire (live fire is used to verify that your dry practice is being done correctly). Most shooters dry practice 3-12 "rounds", then live fire 200-300 when it should be the other way around.
Is dryfire practice time well spent?

You bet your bippy.

Especally if done right. Just snapping the trigger dosn't cut it. You need to dry fire just like you're shooting. Following ALL the fundmentals.

One of the best tools for dry firing is the crimson trace laser sight, You can actually see whats happening as the hammer falls.
Sounds good guys. What do you think of the website I posted? I'm not shooting from a holster so it doesnt totally apply, but do you think its still a good reference?

kraig, I don't have a crimson trace laser sight, but I do have an x400 permanently mounted to the pistol I'll use to dry fire practice with. Just as good? Not as good?
What do you think of the website I posted?

Seems ok. The random pop-ups are nice.

Check out Matt Burkett's site, too. A bit different, in that you can set the par time. You can also track your improvement by decreasing the par time gradually:


There are a ton of dry fire drills on the internet. If you're pressed for time, check out Ben Stoeger's 15 minute drills:


On the value of dry-fire, I'll echo what everyone else has said about its value.

In addition to the drills on these link, I suggest including a bunch of reload drills as part of your dry fire routine.