Drugs in homes seems to be safer than guns.


New member
I saw a news report last night, that either shows how anti gun the media is, or how safe drug pushers and users are with their stuff. A child was brought in to the hospital, and they found cocaine in the childs system from eating it. The person reporting on it said that the doctors found this to be a rare occurance considering the how much drugs were in homes, and that they only see 2 or 3 cases like this a year. Compared to (what is it now,) a child dying every 2 min. Am I out of line here?
I don't know if they were really trying to make a point with that or not. I don't really follow the liberal opinions of drug use. I know the GOP is full speed ahead on the drug war.. but beats me. But to say that crack dealers take better care of their children in the presence of drugs as compared to gun owners and their children.. well.. I'm sure you could figure out how most of us feel about that.

God, Guns and Guts made this country a great country!

oberkommando sez:
"We lost the first and third and now they are after the Second!(no pun intended)"

As seen in Atlanta's AJC, The Vent: "Let it be known that in this great metropolitan area that you might be able to get away with murder, but you'd better not bash a mailbox."
They are more carefull because a 180 gr bullet is worth about a quarter.

180 grains of good coke is worth about $125.
I thought about that after I finished my post. Maybe it is because there stuff is more expensive, but then I realized it is probably because they don't bother to report it. So no one hears about it. And of course it doesn't make national news unless the doped up kid shoots somebody.